Civil - EDC: Motivational Talk by Alumni


The Department of Civil Engineering organized a motivational talk under Entrepreneurship Development Cell on 15 th March 2018 from 2:15pm to 2:45pm in Bishop Aloysius Paul Hall for Final Semester students. Ms Ashmitha Castelino, Alumni of SJEC and Gold medallist under VTU, currently working as Design Engineer, at Roy & Shenoy, Mangaluru delivered the talk. The talk was aimed to motivate students. Ms Vishika, 8 th semester student compered the session. Ms Ivy Savia Dantis welcomed the guest with a flower.

Ms. Ashmitha explained the importance of being active and leaing details of various aspects during the engineering programme. She said that all the theory especially the derivations that is leat during the four years is never used in the field. Leaing happens  when people start working. She also motivated the students to know the availability and market rates of building materials and also made a mention that students do not understand the importance of talks and other motivation during the Programme and only realise its value after passing out the College. Often times there is a disconnect between reality and what is delivered in class and hence she requested faculty members to take students to construction sites and explain structural details. Dr Nalini Rebello gave the memento to the guest and appreciated her talk.The session concluded with an interaction with the students followed by vote of thanks.

Dr Nalini Rebello, HOD and faculty of Civil Engineering department were present during the talk. Mr Vijay H., EDC member of Civil Engineering department coordinated the talk.