EEE-EELS: Entrepreneurship Initiative Training


On the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day, the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organised a finishing school activity for its final year students on 26th April 2017 in Fr. Fred seminar Hall from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm. This finishing school activity aimed at motivating young entrepreneurs and providing them vital information on Technical and Financial support available from govement agencies like MSME (micro small& medium enterprise).

The resource person for this seminar was Mr Kalai Socrates, Deputy Director of Ministry of MSME - Yeyyadi, Mangaluru. The seminar focussed on topics like role of entrepreneurs and society, procurement of IPR and financial support from Govt. Agencies, ethical values required in business and challenges / motives for young entrepreneurs. The seminar was followed by a discussion of 20 mins, wherein the resource person clarified the queries from final year EEE start-up aspirants.

The seminar was well appreciated by final year EEE students and faculty members present on the occasion.