ME-IIC: Industrial visit to Lamina Suspension Products Ltd - Baikampady


The Industry Interaction Cell of Mechanical Engineering Department organized a one-day Industrial visit for pre-final year students to Lamina Springs Pvt. Ltd – Baikampady starting from 25 th April, 2017. A total of 50 students along with two Faculty members took part in the visit. The Visit was scheduled for four days for different sections.

The main objectives of this visit are:

1. Provide an overview of the Manufacturing Processes involved in manufacturing of Leaf springs

2. Enhance knowledge on different materials used in the manufacturing processes.

Lamina Suspension Products Ltd., are India's leading Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter and Dealer of a wide assortment of Leaf Springs, Automobile Leaf Springs which feature higher load capacity, stability and lasting durability. They are also dealing with numerous foreign conces across the world like USA, UK, Italy, Taiwan, South Korea, France, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Belgium, Germany, Australia, Finland, Greece, UAE and many others.

The layout of steps followed in manufacturing of leaf springs was explained by the company supervisor. Students witnessed different process like bending, cutting, rolling, heat treatment and various other manufacturing processes.

The visit has enhanced the students’ knowledge on materials and processes used in manufacturing of leaf springs. Also, various difficulties encountered in manufacturing the same were realized.