SWAG & Community Engagement Comm: Technical Talk on “Advancement of Indian Defence Science and Technology”


Community Engagement Committee (CEC) in Association with Student Welfare and Alumni group (SWAG) had organized a technical talk for the faculty and Final year students on 18 th November 2019 from 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM. Mr Jayaprakash Rao K, Former Regional PRO, DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Zonal Chairman Public Relation Council of India, was the resource person and delivered the talk on Advancement of Indian defence science and technology . The talk was well appreciated by the faculty and students.

Mr Ajithanjaya Kumar M K, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics welcomed the gathering.

Mr Jayaprakash Rao spoke about the latest development on Indian Science and technology with a   special emphasis to Defence sector.

Mr Rao displayed few videos of ISRO, DRDO, HAL, NAL and other organizations along with successful flight trials and other success stories, which motivated our students to take interest to seek jobs in this sector. Further, he stressed on Life Mission of Dr Kalam and vision India 2020 and his oath for students, and he displayed few videos on interactions of Kalam with the youths and famous European parliament speech followed by question and answer session.

He also enlighten the students on advancement made in the field of science and technology in India and he stressed on the job opportunities in the govement sector and motivated students to work for India in line with the philosophy of MAKE IN INDIA.

Overall, the session was informative, insightful and motivated the students to contribute more for India. The vote of thanks was proposed by Mr Subramanya K, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics. The session concluded at 1:00 pm and around 80 students attended the talk.