Session on Menstrual Health and Hygiene

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The Department of Mathematics and DISCIPLINE AND EQUITY GROUP in association with CICC and Jagruti conducted an online session on “Menstrual Health and Hygiene” by the Global Hunt Foundation for all the female students and staff of SJEC on 19 April 2024 from 3pm to 4pm in the Spoorthi Hall. The resource person of this session was Ms Chitra Jalal. A total of 50 students from the UG and PG programme and 6 staff members were present for the session. 

Points covered by the resource person: Ms Chitra Jalal gave a comprehensive understanding on the what, why and how of the Menstrual cycle. She spoke about the various phases in women, the changes that occur in the body, and social taboos related to it. She also highlighted the various facts and myths associated with menstruation and hygiene practices to be maintained during Menstruation.

After the session cake and juice were served as refreshments to the participants.