Swachata Abhiyaan

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Organized by NSS in Association with Department of Chemistry

I. Executive Summary:

The Department of Chemistry -funded Cleaning Drive, organized by the National Service Scheme (NSS) team under the coordination of Mr. Anuragh B, lecturer department of Physics  took place on 03/11/2023 from Pilikula Junction to Vamnjoor Junction. This event aimed to foster a sense of responsibility towards environmental sustainability and to create a cleaner and healthier environment in our surroundings. The drive received generous support from the Department of Chemistry , with funding allocated for necessary supplies and equipment.

II. Introduction:

The Cleaning Drive was initiated to address the issue of litter and waste on our campus. It aligns with the broader goals of promoting environmental awareness, civic responsibility, and community engagement, in line with the NSS team's mission.

III. Objectives:

The primary objectives of the Cleaning Drive were as follows:

1. Clean and beautify the designated areas of adopted villages .

2. Promote a sense of responsibility and ownership among participants for maintaining a clean environment.

3. Raise awareness about the importance of proper waste disposal and recycling.

IV. Event Execution:

A. Preparations:

1. Funding from the Department of Chemistry : The Department of Chemistry provided a grant of 1000 Rs to cover the costs of cleaning supplies, gloves, trash bags, and promotional materials.

2. Planning and Coordination: The NSS team, in collaboration with the Department of Chemistry , formulated a detailed plan that included area assignments, safety guidelines, and communication strategies.

B. Execution:

1. On the day of the event, participants, consisting of students, faculty, and volunteers, gathered at College Chapel for a briefing on safety measures and area assignments.

2. The participants were divided into teams, each responsible for cleaning and beautifying a specific section.

3. Participants were provided with gloves, trash bags, and other necessary cleaning supplies to ensure their safety and effectiveness.

4. The event proceeded as scheduled, with teams working diligently to collect litter and ensure proper disposal.

5. In the end of the drive we were able to collect almost 20 trash bag full of plastic waste from the allocated region

6. The coordinator thanked everyone for their participation and was concluded by distributing the refreshments.

C. Awareness:

1. The NSS team and volunteers actively engaged with the community to spread awareness about the importance of waste reduction and recycling.

2. Informational posters and banners were strategically placed to educate passersby on the significance of maintaining a clean environment.

V. Outcomes and Impact:

The Cleaning Drive achieved the following outcomes and had a positive impact on the community:

1. Cleanliness and Beautification: The drive significantly improved the cleanliness and visual appeal of the designated areas.

2. Enhanced Civic Responsibility: Participants gained a deeper sense of responsibility towards maintaining a clean environment.

3. Increased Awareness: The event successfully raised awareness about waste reduction and recycling among students and staff.

4. Positive Engagement: The event fostered a sense of community and teamwork, as participants from different backgrounds worked together for a common cause.

VI. Recommendations:

To build on the success of the Cleaning Drive and further promote environmental sustainability, the following recommendations are made:

1. Regular Cleaning Initiatives: Consider organizing periodic cleaning drives to maintain the cleanliness.

2. Educational Workshops: Host workshops on waste management and recycling to continue raising awareness.

3. Collaborative Efforts: Encourage more departments and organizations to support and participate in such initiatives.

VII. Acknowledgments:

We would like to express our gratitude to the Department of chemistry for their generous funding and support. Additionally, we appreciate the dedication and hard work of all the volunteers and participants who made this event a success.

VIII. Conclusion:

The Department of Chemistry -funded Cleaning Drive, organized by the NSS team, has made a significant contribution to creating a cleaner and more environmentally conscious society. This initiative serves as a testament to the positive impact that collaborative efforts can have on our community and environment.