Professor & HOD
Teacher with 25 years of teaching experience,13 years of research experience. Research specialization is Algebra, particularly Nearring Theory, Fuzzy algebraic structures, Algebraic graph theory, Rough algebraic structures, Soft set theory and other modern theories.
Sl.No | Qualification Level | University | Area of Specialization | Year of completion | Awards | ||||||
1 | Ph.D | Manipal University | Mathematics-Algebra | 2016 | |||||||
2 | M.Sc | Manglore University | Mathematics | 1999 |
3 | B.Sc | Manglore University | Physics , Mathematics and Computer Science | 1999 |
Department: Mathematics
Institution: St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru
Designation: HOD, Department of Mathematics
Department: Mathematics
Institution: St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru
Designation: Associate Professor
Department: Mathematics
Institution: St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Institution: St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Department: Mathematics
Institution: St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru
Designation: Lecturer
Department: Mathematics
Institution: Coorg Institute of Technology, Ponnampet
Designation: Lecturer
Areas of intrest are
1. Jagadeesha B, Kedukodi Babushri Srinivas, Kuncham Syam Prasad “C-prime Fuzzy Graph of a Nearring with respect to a Level Ideal” Accepted for publication in Palestine Journal of Mathematics(2024 June)
2. Jagadeesha B, B.S. Kedukodi and S.P.Kuncham “EQUIPRIME FUZZY GRAPH OF A NEARRING WITH RESPECT TO A LEVEL IDEAL”, Mathematiki Vesnik, May, 2023 DOI: 10.57016/MV-ZUXV3844 (Impact factor 0.429).
3. Jagadeesha B, K.S Prasad, B.S. Kedukodi, Approximation in a Nearring Using an Equivalence Relation with Thresholds, Journal of Progress in Engineering and Physical Scince, 1(2), 2022, 1-5.
4. Mereena Joseph and Jagadeesha B “Set valued Homeomorphisms using ideal of a Ring and Rough Approximations” International Journal of Applied Engineering research Volume 17 , 2022, 148-151
5. Sandhya Dass , Ramananda H S , Jagadeesha B , Rajesh Kumar P C , Reni K. Cherian “Effectiveness f Collaborative Learning o Among Gen Z Engineering Students”. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2021, 70-78.
6. B. S. Kedukodi, S. P. Kuncham, B. Jagadeesha “Interval valued L-fuzzy prime ideals, triangular norms and partially ordered groups” (Springer-Verlag Germany.) Soft Comput (2019) 23:907-920. (2019 Impact factor-3.012)
7. B. S. Kedukodi, B. Jagadeesha, S. P. Kuncham, S. Juglal, “Different prime graphs of a nearring with respect to an ideal” book chapter in the book Nearrings, Nearfields and related topics published by (World Scientific (Singapore)) (Feb-2017) 185-203
8. B. Jagadeesha , S. P. Kuncham, B. S. Kedukodi “On Implications on a Lattice” , Fuzzy Information Engg. (Elsvier Publication) . (2016) 8(4) 411-425.
9. S. P. Kuncham, B. S. Kedukodi, B. Jagadeesha, “Interval valued L-fuzzy cosets and isomorphism theorems” , Afrika Matematika , ( 2016) 27, 393-408. (Springer-Verlag. USA.)
10 Jagadeesha, B. S. Kedukodi, S. P. Kuncham, “ Interval Valued L-fuzzy Ideals based on t-norms and t-conorms”, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy System, ( 2015) 28 (6) 2631-2641. (IOS Press, Netherlands). (2015 Impact factor-1.812)
First Rank with Gold Medal in M.SC Mathematics in the year 1999 from Manglore University
1. National Confernce on “Present trends in Algebra and its Applications“ at J.M.J College for Women-Tenali, AP . Date: 11th and 12th July2014 Title of Paper: Interval Valued c-prime Fuzzy Ideals of Nearrings.
2. National conference on “Current trends in Scientific Research for Engineering Applications“ at St Joseph Engg. College,
Date: 17th and 18th July2014
Title of Paper: Interval Valued 3-prime Fuzzy Ideals of Nearrings.
3.. National conference on “Engineering Applications of Mathematics “ at MIT Academy of Engineering, Pune
Date: 5th and 6th January 2014
Title of Paper: Interval Valued prime Fuzzy Ideals of Nearrings.
4. National conference on “Applied Mathematics , Numerical Analysis, Algebra and Computational Mathematics “ at Haveri
Date: 30th and 31th January 2015
Title of Paper: Interval Valued Fuzzy Ideals of Nearrings.
5. National conference on “Computer Applications Based on Modern Algebra” held at MIT Manipal
Date: 1-4 JULY 2017.
Title of Paper: Interval Valued L-fuzzy Ideals of a Ring using t-norms and t-conorms
6. National conference on “Graph Theory and Discrete Mathematics” held at Manglore University
Date: 5-6 Feb 2018.
Title of Paper: C-prime Ideal Based Graph of Nearring
1. International Conference “ Interdisciplinary Mathematial, Stastistical and Computational Techniques “ at NITK , Suratkal
Date: 18 to 20th December 2014
Title of Paper: Rough set approximations using Fuzzy Ideals.
2. . . International Conference “ Nearrings, Nearfields and Related Topics“ at MIT, Manipal Date: 05 to 12th July2015
Title of Paper: Interval Valued L-fuzzy submodules Baesd on triangular Norms.
3. . Interntional Conference on Mathematics at University of Kerala
Date: 26-28 November, 2015 Title of Paper: Nearring Approximations using fuzzy ideal with thresholds.
4. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing,Thailand, Title: "Automorphisms t-nroms t- conorms on a lattice " Date: 29 Dec.2015.
5. International Conference on Discrete Mathematics-2016 at SIT, Tumkur
Date: 08 to 10 June 2016
Title of Paper: Prime Graph of a Ring
. 6. International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science at Nirmala College for Women, Coibatore –Tamilnadu
Date: 15 to 17 December 2016
Title of Paper: Ideal Based Graph of a Ring
7. International Conference on "Discrete Mathematics and its Applications to Network Science" was held at Birla Institute of Technology and Science, K. K. Birla Goa Campus
Date: 7 to 10 of July 2018.
Title of Paper: Approximations Based on Equivalence Relation
8. International Conference on "Recent Trends in Mathematics" was held RL Science Institute Belagavi
Date: 27 to 29 of December 2018.
Title of Paper: Rough set Approximations using an Equivalence Relation with thresholds
9. 4th Alterman conference-cum-Workshop on Computational Geometric Algebra and Workshop on Kahler Calculus was held in MIT, Manipal Date: 08th to 13th July 2019 Title of Paper: Rough approximation in nearrings
10. International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering at VIT Chennai Date:10 to 12 March 2020 Title of Paper: Automorphisms on a lattice
11. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Shri Madwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology and Mangement Date:10 to 11 July 2020 Title of Paper: Set Valued Homeomorphisms using Ideal of a ring and rough approximations
12. International Conference on Present Scenario of Mathematical Sciences at Dharavad University Date:12 to 13 September 2020 Title of Paper: Triangular norms on a lattice
13. International Conference on Advances in Machanics, Manipal University Jaipur Date:18 to 20 December 2020 Title of Paper: Roughset Approximations in Nearrings
14. International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Computational Intelligence Date:21 to 22 December 2020 Title of Paper: Roughset Approximations in Nearrings sing Fuzzy Ideals
1 15. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Techniques and Applications Date:23 to 25 March 2022 Title of Paper: L-fuzzy submodules using t-norms.
1 16. International Conference on Recent Tends in Applied Sciences by SIT, Valachil Date:03 to 04 August 2022 Title of Paper: Approximation in ring
1 17. International Conference on Algebra, Analysis and Applications by MIT Manipal Date:06 to 08 January 2023 Title of Paper: C-prime fuzzy graph of Nearring
1 18. 2rd International Conference on Applied Mathematics by DIT Deharadun Date:12 to 14 October 2023 Title of Paper: Roufg set approximation using fuzzy ideal.
1 19. International Conference on Number Theory and Graph Theory, MIT Maniapal Date:18 to 20 January 2023 Title of Paper Line Graph of Prime graph of Nearring
2 20. International Conference on Recent Tends in Applied Sciences by SIT, Valachil Date:26 to 27 Septmber 2023 Title of Paper: Line Graph of Graph with respect to an ideal
2 21. International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics, MIT Bangalore Date:20-22 December 2023 Title of Paper: Line Graph of a prime Graph
2 22. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computational Mathematics and data Science, SKAASC, Coibatore Date:10 to 11 January 2024 Title of Paper: Line Graph of a c- prime Graph
Dr Jagadeesha B.
Professor & HOD
B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D