Dr Jennifer Charlotte Saldanha

Assistant Professor


Academician with 14 years teaching experience, specialization in Digital Electronics & Communication, and active researcher in the field of Speech Processing and Machine Learning.

Education Qualifications

Sl.No Qualification Level University Area of Specialization Year of Compeltion Awards
1 Ph.D V.T.U Speech Processing 2024
2 M.Tech NMAMIT, Nitte Digital Electronics & Communication 2012
Awarded with First Rank and Gold Medal for being the Academic Topper in M.Tech in Digital Electronics and Communication at NMAMIT, Nitte during the period 2010-2012.

3 UG Canara Engineering College Electronics & Communication Engineering 2007

Responsibilities At SJEC

  • IEEE SJEC Branch Cousellor
  • Admission Help Desk Team Leader
  • SC ST Scholarship E-attestation Officer
  • Open Elective Coordinator
  • Departmental NAAC coordinator
  • AICTE Activity Coordinator
  • Member of SJEC Squad Team

Work Experience

  • Assistant Professor with 16 years of teaching experience at St Joseph Engineering College

Research Areas

  • Speech Processing for Biomedical Applications
  • Machine Learning

Journal Publications

  1. Saldanha, Jennifer C., et al. "Jitter as a quantitative indicator of dysphonia in Parkinson's disease." International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 21.2 (2023): 199-228.
  2. Saldanha, Jennifer C., T. Ananthakrishna, and Rohan Pinto. "Vocal fold pathology assessment using mel-frequency cepstral coefficients and linear predictive cepstral coefficient features." Journal of medical imaging and health informatics 4.2 (2014): 168-173
  3. Jennifer C Saldanha, Ananthakrishna T, Rohan Pinto,Cepstral Analysis of Speech for the Vocal Fold Pathology Detection, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), 2012

Conference Proceedings

  1. Saldanha, Jennifer C., and Rohan Pinto. "Real Time Feedback System for Speech Dysfluency in Children." Smart Sensors Measurement and Instrumentation: Select Proceedings of CISCON 2021. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023. 75-91.
  2. Saldanha, Jennifer C., and Malini Suvarna. "Perceptual linear prediction feature as an indicator of dysphonia." Advances in Control Instrumentation Systems: Select Proceedings of CISCON 2019. Springer Singapore, 2020.
  3. Saldanha, Jennifer C., and O. R. Shruthi. "Reduction of noise for speech signal enhancement using spectral subtraction method." 2016 International Conference on Information Science (ICIS). IEEE, 2016.
  4. Saldanha, Jennifer C., T. Ananthakrishna, and Rohan Pinto. "Vocal fold pathology assessment using PCA and LDA." 2013 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing (ISSP). IEEE, 2013.
  5. Jennifer C Saldanha, Shruthi O R” Enhancing Speech Signal Using Multiband Spectral Subtraction Method” International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Computational Research (ICSPCCR-16), IFERP Xplore, DOI: ICSPCCR13064
  6. Jennifer C Saldanha, “Analysis of speech for the vocal fold pathology assessment”, International Conference on Emerging trends in engineering (ICETE’12), NMAMIT, Nitte.
  7.  Jennifer C Saldanha, “Cepstral Analysis of Speech for the Vocal Fold Pathology Detection” Presented in International Conference on Electronic Design and Signal Processing (ICEDSP’12), MIT, Manipal, 20-22 December 2012
  8. Jennifer C Saldanha, Shruthi O R, “Optimal filter Design for Speech Signal Enhancement” National Conference on Advances in communication and Signal Processing (NCACSP-2016), SJEC, Mangalore, August 11-12, 2016, ISBN: 978-93-81195-87-1
  9. Jennifer C Saldanha, Shruthi O R, “Speech Enhancement using filtering techniques”, 3rd National Conference on emerging trends in electronics and communication( NCETEC-16), ISRASE eXplore Digital Library, ISBN: ISBN: 978-93-84698-12-6
  10. Jennifer C Saldnha, “Analysis of Infants Cry based on Back PropagationNational Conference , Jnana Sangama at VCET Puttur on May 11, 2019
  11. Jennifer C Saldanha, Malini Suvarna,”Perceptual Linear Prediction Feature as an Indicator of DysphoniaCISCON 2019 on 8-9 November at MIT Manipal
  12. Jennifer C Saldanha, Rohan Pinto, “Shift Invert Coding for Low Power VLSINational Conference on Modern Trends in science & Technology(MTST’11), MVSIT on 14-15 October 2011, Page No. 45
  13. Jennifer C Saldanha, Rohan Pinto, “Implementation of Mac Unit for Filter OperationModern Trends in Science & Technology(MTST’11), MVSIT on 14-15 October 2011, Page No. 30-31
  14. Jennifer C Saldanha,” Comparative Study of MFCC & LPCC Features for Voice PathologyDesign Innovation for 3Cs “Compute-Communicate-Control” MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore on 4th May 2012

Research Grants

  1. The project titled “Hear Ally App for Enhancing Hearing Health Through Mobile Solutions for Meniers Disease” received grant of Rs.5000 under Student Project Prgramme – 47th series by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology(KSCST), in the year 2023-24.
  2. The project titled “Rainfall Prediction and Measurement for Enhancing Crop-Yield Based on Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence” received a grant of Rs. 5000 under Student Project Programme – 46th series by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), in the year 2022-23.
  3. The “Real Time Feedback System for Speech Therapy” project received a grant of Rs.6500 under the Student Project Programme – 42nd series by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), in 2018-19.

Membership in professional Bodies

  • Member of IEEE
  • Member of ISTE

Workshop/FDPs Attended

1.     ATAL FDP on Advances in Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing from  8 January to 14 January, 2024 at ECE Dept, SJEC, Mangaluru

2.     Universal Human Values (UHV) from 18 October to 23 October, 2023 at ECE Dept, SJEC, Mangaluru

3.     Patent: Prior Art Search on October 9, 2023 at ECE Dept, SJEC, Mangaluru

4.     Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence on 24 February, 2022 organized by ECE Dept, SJEC, Mangaluru

5.     Project Management and Scheduling from 19 to 26 August, September 1, 202, organized by CSE Dept, SJEC, Mangaluru

6.     Change Management from 16 to 21 November 2021, organized by  IQAC, SJEC, Mangaluru

7.     Days Intensive FDP on Problem Based Learning (PBL) from 13/09/2021 to 17/09/2021 organized by IQAC, SJEC, Mangaluru

8.     Analysis of eye movement to diagnose balanced disorder using balanced eye software on February 9, 2021organized by Dept of ECE, SJEC, Mangaluru

9.     Communication Systems, Wireless and 5G with MATLAB and SIMULINK on May 6 to 10, 2021 organized by Dept of ECE, SJEC, Mangaluru

10.  Integra 2021 - " 6 Days FDP on Curriculum Design Inspired by NEP" on April 8 to 10 and 15 to 17, 2021 organized by IQAC, SJEC, Mangaluru

11.  Cornea 2020 on 21-30 September 2020 organized by SANJOSH, TLC, SJEC, Mangaluru

12.  Five Day National Level Online FDP on "Linear Algebra Foundation for Machine Learning" on 03rd August to 07 August, 2020 organised by Tontadarya College of Engineering, Gadag

13.  Three Day National Level Online FDP on "Overview of Digital Signal Processing from 13th July to 15 July, 2020 organized by Tontadarya College of Engineering, Gadag

14.  One Week Online FDP on "Insights on writing Research Proposals and Funding Opportunities" from 20th to 24th July 2020organized by SJEC, Mangaluru

15.  Two week online FDP on LaTeXfrom 17-4-2020 to 30-4-2020 organised by IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial.

16.  Two Day online FDP on “skill enhancement for academicians” from 8-9 June, 2020 organised by Jain College of Engineering Belagavi.

17.  Four Day FDP on “Research Methodology and Data Analysis from 17-20 June 2020 organized by Karnataka Science and Technology Academy.

18.  Five Day online FDP on Machine Learning using MATLAB from July 29 to June 3, 2020 organized by IETE Mumbai.

19.  Speech, Audio and Music Processing (SAMP-2020) from January 28th to February 1st 2020 organized by NITK, Surathkal

20.  Research Opportunities in Bio-Medical Engineering from 8-10 January 2020 organized by: SJEC, Vamanjoor

21.  BOOT CAMP 2019 on 15-19 July 2019 organized by SJEC, Vamanjoor

22.  IIEECP Phase 1 on 8-10 April 2019 organized by SJEC, Vamanjoor

23.  FEEL Teacher on 22-24 January 2019 organized by SJEC, Vamanjoor

24.  Project Based Learning using MATLAB and SIMULINK on 7-9 January 2019 organized by Dept of ECE &CSE, SJEC, Vamanjoor

25.  Integra -2018 on Course Design and Management on 16-18 July 2018 organized by IQAC, SJEC, Vamanjoor

26.  Machine Learning on 23-27 July 2018 organized by SJEC, Vamanjoor

27.  Information Discovery-Tips, Tools and Technologies on 14 July 2018 organized by SJEC, Vamanjoor

28.  Embedded System for Communication applications on 19-23 June 2018 organized by: NMAMIT, Nitte

29.  Virtual Laboratory on 9-10 January 2017 organized by Dept of E&C, SJEC, Vamanjoor

30.  ARM Controllers and its application on 4 & 5 December 2015 organized by Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore

31.  Cadence VLSI design tools on 21 june- 25 july 2015organized by SJEC

32.  Cadence VLSI design tools on 21 june- 25 july 2015, organized by SJEC

33.  LabVIEW & Multisim on  26th june-04 july 2014 organized by SJEC

34.  Application of MATLAB/SIMULINK in DSP on 13-14 August 2012 organized by SMVITM, Udupi

35.  Mixed Signal Processor (MSP-430) on 23-25 July 2012 organized by SJEC

36.  Linear Algebra and its Applications, 3-5 March 2011 organized by NMAMIT, Nitte

37.  LabVIEW and Virtual Instrumentation Package on 1-3 April 2009 organized by SJEC

38.  FDP by IBM Academic Initiative, 27-28 February 2008 organized by SJEC

Conferences attended

  1. Saldanha, Jennifer C., and Rohan Pinto. "Real Time Feedback System for Speech Dysfluency in Children." Smart Sensors Measurement and Instrumentation: Select Proceedings of CISCON 2021. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023. 75-91.
  2. Saldanha, Jennifer C., and Malini Suvarna. "Perceptual linear prediction feature as an indicator of dysphonia." Advances in Control Instrumentation Systems: Select Proceedings of CISCON 2019. Springer Singapore, 2020.
  3. Saldanha, Jennifer C., and O. R. Shruthi. "Reduction of noise for speech signal enhancement using spectral subtraction method." 2016 International Conference on Information Science (ICIS). IEEE, 2016.
  4. Saldanha, Jennifer C., T. Ananthakrishna, and Rohan Pinto. "Vocal fold pathology assessment using PCA and LDA." 2013 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing (ISSP). IEEE, 2013.
  5. Jennifer C Saldanha, Shruthi O R” Enhancing Speech Signal Using Multiband Spectral Subtraction Method” International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Computational Research (ICSPCCR-16), IFERP Xplore, DOI: ICSPCCR13064
  6. Jennifer C Saldanha, “Analysis of speech for the vocal fold pathology assessment”, International Conference on Emerging trends in engineering (ICETE’12), NMAMIT, Nitte.
  7.  Jennifer C Saldanha, “Cepstral Analysis of Speech for the Vocal Fold Pathology Detection” Presented in International Conference on Electronic Design and Signal Processing (ICEDSP’12), MIT, Manipal, 20-22 December 2012
  8. Jennifer C Saldanha, Shruthi O R, “Optimal filter Design for Speech Signal Enhancement” National Conference on Advances in communication and Signal Processing (NCACSP-2016), SJEC, Mangalore, August 11-12, 2016, ISBN: 978-93-81195-87-1
  9. Jennifer C Saldanha, Shruthi O R, “Speech Enhancement using filtering techniques”, 3rd National Conference on emerging trends in electronics and communication( NCETEC-16), ISRASE eXplore Digital Library, ISBN: ISBN: 978-93-84698-12-6
  10. Jennifer C Saldnha, “Analysis of Infants Cry based on Back PropagationNational Conference , Jnana Sangama at VCET Puttur on May 11, 2019
  11. Jennifer C Saldanha, Rohan Pinto, “Shift Invert Coding for Low Power VLSINational Conference on Modern Trends in science & Technology(MTST’11), MVSIT on 14-15 October 2011, Page No. 45
  12. Jennifer C Saldanha, Rohan Pinto, “Implementation of Mac Unit for Filter OperationModern Trends in Science & Technology(MTST’11), MVSIT on 14-15 October 2011, Page No. 30-31
  13. Jennifer C Saldanha,” Comparative Study of MFCC & LPCC Features for Voice PathologyDesign Innovation for 3Cs “Compute-Communicate-Control” MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore on 4th May 2012

Contact Information

Dr Jennifer Charlotte Saldanha

Assistant Professor

B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D

