Professor & HOD
Distinguished educator and researcher with an wisdomic career spanning over 28 years in teaching and 19 years in research. Dedicated to the field of engineering education is evident through his extensive experience and his passion for nurturing the minds of future Engineers. Inspired countless students with his expertise and enthusiasm for learning. His teaching philosophy is centered around the belief that education is not just about imparting knowledge but also about fostering critical thinking, creativity, and a lifelong love for learning. He is an author and reviewer of many International Science journals. A passionate life coach, writer, trainer, social and entrepreneurial enthusiast.
Sl.No | Qualification Level | University | Area of Specialization | Year of completion | Awards | ||||
1 | MSc | Mangalore University | Physics | 1996 | |||||
2 | MIT | Manipal University | Information Technology | 2005 | |||||
3 | PhD | Mangalore University | Nonlinear Optical Materials | 2013 |
Professor, Dept of Physics, St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru
1 October 2022
Associate Professor, St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru
17 May 2013
Asst Professr, St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru
1 August 2007
Lecturer, St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru
24 September 2002
KVG College of Engineering, Sullia
18 February 1998 to 23 September 2002
SBC Karkala
Sept 1996 to Feb 1998
Nonlinear Optical Materials, Porhyrin thin films, z-scan, Organic Crsytal Growth, Photonics and Sensing Materials
Book Chapter:
Nonlinera Properties of PMMA composite thin films, L. M. Clavian, P. C. Rajesh Kumar, K. V. Anil Kumar, D. Narayana Rao, N. K. Shihab, and Ganesh Sanjeev published in Science and technology-Recent Updates and Future Prospects Vol. 5, ISBN:978-81-974388-1-3
P C Rajesh Kumar, K. Janardhana, K. M. Balakrishna, T Sheela, Study of Non Linear Optical Properties of a Chalcone DopedPVA Composite Material.
Procedia Engineering 141 ( 2016 ) 83 – 90,
P C Rajesh Kumar, V Ravindrachary, K Janardhana, Boja Poojary, K B Manjunath, G Umesh, Linear and NLO properties of an organic single crystal. AIP Conf. Proc. 1447 (2012) 1343
K. Janardhana, V Ravindrachary, P C Rajesh Kumar, Umesh G, K B, Manjunatha and Ismayil, Nonlinear optical studies of a novel pyrazoline, AIP Conf. Proc. AIP Conf. Proc. 1447 (2012) 1261,
· Principal Investigator for the research project entitled ‘Development and characterization of graphene-porphyrin hybrid thin films for photonics’ and sensor applications’ under K-FIST L2 scheme of 20 lakhs from VGST, Govt of Karnataka.
· Principal Investigator for the research project entitled ‘Irradiation Supported Design and Properties of Nonlinear optical materials for Photonic Applications’ of Rs 20.36 from DAE-BRNS, Govt of India
· Received 2 lakhs from VTU for the project entitled ‘Growth, Characterization and Properties of Photonic Materials’
· Co-Investigator for the DAE-BRNS project “Irradiation effects on some organic NLO crystals and doped polymers” of 10.18 lakhs
Received Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing 2023 by Journal of Energy Research and Reviews.
1. Participated in Faculty Development Program on Applied Physics, 18 June 2023, SJEC Mangaluru.
2. Participated in a workshop on Physics using MATLAB, 1-2 June 2023, SJEC Mangaluru.
3. Participated in a webinar on LOW DIMENSIONAL PHYSICS: A NEW PARADIGM held on 14th July 2020, organized by department of Physics, St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru.
4. Participated in the National level webinar on "Medical Physics and beyond" organized by the department of Physics at St Aloysius College (Autinomous), Mangaluru on 24th June 2020
5. Participated in the workshop ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ ಸಾಹಿತ್ಯ ನಿರ್ಮಾಣ: ಸಂವಾದ which was organized by ಕನ್ನಡ ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿ ಪ್ರಾಧಿಕಾರ at Bangaluru on 29 Feb and 1 March 2020
6. Attended a workshop organized by BOS, VTU on 2nd May 2019 at VTU Belagavi for discussing syllabus of elective subjects of Physics.
7. Attended a work shop ‘FEEL Teacher’ at St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, from 2nd July 2018 to 4th July 2018.
8. Participated in three-day workshop Integra-18 on Course design and Management from 16 July to 18 July at St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor
9. Participated in workshop Integra-15 on Preparation for Accreditation, New SAR & Introduction to CBCS held on 20th and 21st July 2015 at St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor.
10. Participated in the workshop Integra-14 on Outcome based education from 10th to 12th July 2014 at St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor.
11. Appreciative Experimental Learning workshop-Spoorti 9-12 July 2013, Pegasus Institute of Excellence, Bangalore
12. Participated in the workshop Latex on 22nd May 2013 at St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor.
13. Participated in the workshop ‘Nanoscience and Technology’ held on 2rd and 3rd of Dec 2009 at Manipal University
14. Participated in the workshop ‘Current trends in Material Science’ held on 23rd and 34th of March 2009 at Yenepoya University Mangalore
15. Participated in the Soft Skills Train the trainer workshop from 4th August 2008 to 6th August 2008 at St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor Participated in workshop at St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor.
16. Participated in the workshop ‘Electronic and optical materials and Devices held at NMAMIT Nitte on 24-25 August 2006
17. Participated in the work shop on Optics and Photonics on 18 and 19 August 2006 at NIT, Tiruchirappalli
1. Conducted a teachers training on the topic ‘Scientific Temper’ for High school teachers on 5th August 2023, Vivekananda English Medium School Puttur.
2. Given radio talks on ‘Sadhana Patha’ Chinthana programme series, from Mangaluru Akashavani, commemoration of 75th year of national Independence, 2022.
3. Department of Physics, St Joseph Engineering College Mangaluru and Dept of Physics and IQAC Cell, SDM College Ujire jointly organize 'Skill development, career and research awareness programme' for UG students of SDM College Ujire on 31 Dec 2022
4. Given radio talks
5. Moderator, Science and Technology Utsav, at Science Center Pilikula, Mangaluru on 26 Feb 2022, Commemoration of 75th Independence Celebration
6. Conducted a webinar on the topic 'Research and Higher education' on 23 July 2020 organized by research and facilities group, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangaluru.
7. Conducted an induction programme for first year engineering students on the topic ‘Time Management, Decision making and case Studies, Self-confidence and Esteem’ from 10 Feb 2020 to 20 August 2020 at St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor
8. Conducted a workshop on Career Guidance for second P U students of Sharada P U College Mangalore on 22nd Feb 2019
9. Conducted a life style seminar at Rotary Club Mangalore East, on 21st Feb 2019 on the topic ‘Talk to yourself; for a change’.
10. Conducted a workshop on Technical education awareness on 1st Dec 2018 for PU Science students at St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor.
11. Conducted an induction programme for first year engineering students on the topic Time Management, Decision making and case Studies, Self-confidence and Esteem’ from 8August 2018 to 20 August 2018 at St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor.
12. Conducted a workshop on ನಮ್ಮ ಶಿಕ್ಙಣ ಪದ್ಧತಿ ಮತ್ತು ಬದಲಾವಣೆ for High school teachers at Srirama High School Kalladka on 15 Sept 2018.
National Conference
1. The Effect of Electron Beam Treatment on the Third Order Nonlinear Optical Nature of the TPP Thin Film in Nano-Second Regime, Clavian L M, Rajesh Kumar P C, Anil Kumar K V, Narayana Rao D , Shihab N K and Ganesh Sanjeev, DAE- Solid State Physics Symposium (SSPS-2021), 15-19 Dec 2021 BARC Mumbai
2. Intensity Dependent Third Order Optical Nonlinearity Of Zinc TetraphenylPorphyrin Ultrathin Film In Nano-Second Regime, Clavian L M, Rajesh Kumar P C, Narayana Rao D, Shihab N K, Ganesh Sanjeev DAE- Solid State Physics Symposium (SSPS-2018), December 18- 22, 2018, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar
3. Third Order Optical Nonlinearity In TPP Incorporated PMMA Composite Thin Film, Rajesh Kumar P C, Clavian L M, Anil Kumar K V, Narayana Rao D, Shihab N K, Ganesh Sanjeev. DAE- Solid State Physics Symposium (SSPS-2018), December 18- 22, 2018, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar
4. Effect of Cu(II) central metal ion on the third order nonlinear optical properties of tetraphenyl porphyrin in nano-sec regime, Clavian L M, Rajesh Kumar P C, Narayana Rao D, Shihab N K, Ganesh Sanjeev DAE- BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS - 27), December 3- 6, 2018, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore.
5. Linear and nonlinear optical investigations of cu-tetraphenyl-porphyrin nano film, Clavian L M, Rajesh Kumar P C, Narayana Rao D, Shihab N K, Ganesh Sanjeev. National conference CMPA -2017, 22-23 Sept, 2017 Manipal
6. Structural, Thermal Properties of New Chalcone Co-crystal for Nonlinear Optical Applications.Clavian L M, Rajesh Kumar P C , Naveen S, Lokanath N.K and Ganesh Sanjeeva, National Conference NCETSE – 2017, 23 & 24 Feb 2017, SMVITM Bantakal Udupi
7. Micro hardness and Electrical properties of a nonlinear optical material, P. C. Rajesh Kumar, K. Janardhana, Ravindrachary V, National conference NCSEA
2014, July 18-19 2014, St. Joseph Engineering College Vamanjoor, Mangalore.
8. Structural and Thermal Studies of thiophene based Novel chalcone material 3-(4 bromophenyl)-1-(2,5-dimethylthiophen-3-yl) prop-en-1-one. Gananatha Shetty B, Vincent Crasta, Jayaram A, H.P. Sarveshwara, P. C. Rajesh Kumar, July 18-19 2014, St. Joseph Engineering College Vamanjoor, Mangalore.
9. Optical, Dielectric and Second Order Non-linear Properties of a Chalcone, P. C. Rajesh Kumar, Vincent Crasta, V. Ravindrachary, K. Janardhana., Nat. conference
MTST-2011, MVIT-Moodbidri, Oct11-12, 2011
10. Optical and XRD studies of an organic single crystal., P C Rajesh Kumar, V Ravindrachary, R F Bhajantri and Vincent Crasta, Nat. conference NCAMDT-2008,
SV University, Thirupathi, Feb 20-22, 2008
11. Effect of SHI irradiation on dielectric properties of NLO crystal., V Ravindrachary, Vincent Crasta, R F Bhajantri and P C Rajesh Kumar
NSRP-17, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, Nov 14-16, 2007
12.. Optical, dielectric & micro hardness studies on a non-linear optical single crystal, Vincent Crasta, V Ravindrachary, R F Bhajantri, A Harisha and P C Rajesh Kumar, National conference held at Mysore, Sept 25 -26, 2006
International Conference
1. Influence of functional groups on the Non-linear Optical and Structural Properties of Chalcone derivatives, Rajesh Kumar P C, Vincent Crastaa, Rajesh K, , 30-31, May 2024 ICSEM, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
2. Structural and dielectric studies of PVA/PVP blend filled with V2O5 nano fillers, Rajesh K, Vincent Crasta1, Rajesh Kumar P C, 30-31, May 2024 ICSEM, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
3. Influence of functional groups on Second Harmonic Generation and Structural Properties of Chalcone derivatives. Rajesh Kumar P C, Vincent Crastaa, Rajesh K, Venita N Monteiroa. 23-24 April 2024, ICIBS- 2024, PACE, Mangaluru
4. Structural, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Copper Oxide Doped PVA/PVP Blend, Rajesh K, Vincent Crasta1, Rajesh Kumar P C, Olivia Sequeira, ICIBS-2024, 23-24 April 2024, PACE, Mangaluru.
5. Enhancement in Structural and Optical Properties of PMMA-ZnO and TiO2 FilledNanopatterns Hybrid Composites for Solar Cell Anti- Reflection Coating Applications. Rithin Kumar N B, Santhosha Acharya, Sangeetha, Rajesh Kumar P C, Gurumurthy S C, International conference on Accelerating Innovations in Material Science AIMS-2020 on 4-7th August 2020 at Department of Chemistry, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
6. TiO2/ZnO Nanofillers in Tailoring the Morphology and Optical Properties PMMA for Optical Device Applications, Rithin Kumar N B, Santhosha Acharya, S C Gurumurthy, Sangeetha, Rajesh Kumar P C, International Conference on Advances in Material Science and Chemistry ICAMSC-2020, 10th -12th August 2020, Kerala, India
7. Third Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Thermally Evaporated Zinc-Tetraphynyl Porphyrin Nano Film, Clavian L M, Rajesh Kumar P C, Narayana Rao D, Shihab N K, Ganesh Sanjeev, International conference on Recent Advances in Material Science and Biophysics (RAMSB) from January 23rd to 25th, 2018 at Mangala Auditorium, Mangalagangothri
8. Fluorescence and NLO properties of Tetra Phynyl-porphrin ultrathin films in picosecond regime, Clavian L M, Rajesh Kumar P C, Anil Kumar K. V, Narayana Rao D, A, 4th International Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology(ICONN-2017), Aug 09, 2017 to Aug 11, 2017, SRM university.
9. Study of Non Linear Optical Properties of a Chalcone Doped PVA Composite Material, P.C. Rajesh Kumar, K. Janardhana, K.M. Balakrishna, T. Sheela,
International Conference, ICMAT-15, 28 June-3 July 2015, Suntec, Singapore
10. Crystal growth, third order nonlinearity and optical limiting property of an organic optical material, P. C. Rajesh Kumar, K. Janardhana, B. Gananat Shetty, Vincent Crasta, International symposium, March 15-16 2014, S P University, Gujarath
11. Thermal and optical properties of an organic single crystal.
Gananatha Shetty B, Vincent Crasta, Jayaram A, P. C. Rajesh Kumar, Ramesh Shetty International symposium, March 15-16 2014, S P University, Gujarath
12. Optical and structural properties of organic NLO single crystal.
P C Rajesh Kumar, V Ravindrachary, K Janardhana, H R Manjunath, Prakash Karegoudar, Vincent Crasta, M.A. Sridhar, International conference ICMAT-2011, Singapore, June 26-July 1, 2011
13. FT-IR & dielectric studies on SHI & electron irradiated chaconne derivative.
Vincent Crasta, V Ravindrachary, P C Rajesh KumarInternational conference ICMAT-2011, Singapore, June 26- July 1, 2011
14. Crystal growth, NLO properties of a pseudo symmetric organic crystal.
P C Rajesh Kumar, V Ravindrachary, K Janardhana, H R Manjunath, Vincent Crasta, M A Sridhar
International conference ICAMA-2011 held at Kalasalingam University, Tamilnadu, March 4- 5, 2011
15. Optical, thermal, dielectric and micro hardness studies on 1-(4-bromophenyl)-3 (4 chlorophenyl)-2-propen-1-one, a nonlinear optical single crystal.
Ravindrachary V, Vincent Crasta, P C Rajesh Kumar, Bhajantri R F, Harisha A International conference ‘Photonics’ Hyderabad, Dec 13-16, 2006
Dr Rajesh Kumar P C
Professor & HOD
B.Sc, M.Sc, MIT, Ph.D