Mr Davor John DSouza

Assistant Professor


I am an enthusiastic and active educator with significant experience teaching data science-related courses. My teaching approaches are heavily anchored in real-world situations, allowing students to connect theoretical principles to practical applications. In addition to my academic work, I am an experienced soft skills trainer and polyglot, allowing me to connect with a wide range of students and colleagues. My broad skills and dynamic teaching style help to create an engaging and successful learning environment.

Education Qualifications

Sl.No Qualification Level University Area of Specialization Year of completion Awards
1 M.E. MAHE Machine Learning 2022
2 B.E. VTU Computer Science and Engg. 2020

Responsibilities At SJEC

Departmental Responsibilities (Current)

  • Dept. AICTE Co-ordinator
  • Dept. Placement Co-ordinator
  • Dept. Internship Co-ordinator
  • Dept. EMS Co-Coordinator
  • Dept. Aumni Co-ordinator
  • Dept. Magazine 

Work Experience

2 year and 4 months

Contact Information

Mr Davor John DSouza

Assistant Professor

B.E, M.E
