Assistant Professor & Training Co-ordinator
Mr. Glenson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) and Training Coordinator at Training & Placement Cell of SJEC Mangaluru. He leads the Campus to Corporate Program and is an active member of Innoventure-SJEC Innovation Platform. Previously, Mr. Toney has served as the District Innovation Associate to the Government of Karnataka, promoting campus entrepreneurship through the New Age Innovation Network initiative.
Mr. Toney has received an Innovation Award from Texas Instruments, Active SPOC Award from NPTEL IIT Madras, and an Appreciation Award from Anveshana-Synopsys and the Agastya Foundation. He was also awarded with the SJEC Innovation Mentorship Award 2024. He hold a Master's degree in VLSI Design and is pursuing a PhD in AI technologies for automobiles at School of Electronics & Electrical Engineering, Lovely Professional University. He has published over fifteen papers in esteemed journals and international conferences and has reviewed papers at multiple IEEE Conferences and Engineering Education Journals. In addition to his academic and professional roles, Mr. Toney is an experienced host and has a passion for singing and dancing.
Sl.No | Qualification Level | University | Area of Specialization | Year of completion | Awards | ||||
1 | M.Tech | Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi | VLSI Design & Embedded Systems | 2015 | |||||
2 | BE | Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi | Electronics & Communication | 2012 |
Training Coordinator, Training & Placement Cell
St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru | Oct-2021-Present
Skill Coordinator
SJEC Mangaluru | February 2024-Present
Member, Department Development Board
Dept of ECE, SJEC Mangaluru | June 2023-Present
Member, Development & Planning Group
SJEC Mangaluru | January 2024-Present
Memeber, Innoventure-SJEC Innovation Platform
SJEC Mangaluru | February 2023-Present
Training Coordinator, Career Development Center
St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru | Oct-2021-Present
Assistant Professor, Electronics & Communication Engg.
St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru | Sept-2021-Present
Incubation Center Manager, New Age Innovation Network
Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering, Mangaluru | Feb 2018-Sept 2021
Assistant Professor, Mechatronics Engineering
Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering, Mangaluru | Jul 2016-Feb 2018
Assistant Professor, Electronics & Communication Engg.
K S School of Engineering & Management, Bengaluru | Jul 2015- Jul 2016
Lecturer, Electronics & Communication Engg.
PES Polytechnic, Bengaluru | Jul 2012- Sept 2013
Toney, Glenson, et al. "Nurturing future Engineers through Industry-Oriented Training: The imperative of Core Competencies." Journal of Engineering Education Transformations 37.Special Issue 2, Vol 37, (2024).
Toney, S. B., & Roopesh, A. B. S. "Integrating Real-World Applications into the Machine Design Course through an Open-Ended Assignment–A Case Study." Journal of Engineering Education Transformations 37.Special Issue 2, Vol 37, (2024).
Toney, Glenson, and Cherry Bhargava. "Adaptive headlamps in automobile: A review on the models, detection techniques, and mathematical models." IEEE Access 9 (2021): 87462-87474.
Toney, Glenson. "Design & Implementation of Smart Headlamps, Overtaking Assistance for Automobiles using MATLAB." Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12.10 (2021): 286-293.
Toney, Glenson, et al. “A Novel Lane Detection Approach for Vehicle Adaptive headlamps" Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Alzheimer's and Dementia Differentiation , Goa University, India, 2024.
Toney, Glenson, et al. “Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Alzheimer's and Dementia Differentiation", Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering, Nitte, India, 2023
Toney, Glenson, et al. “A Novel Lane Detection Approach for Vehicle Adaptive headlamps" International Conference on Advances in Smart Sensor, Signal Processing and Communication Technology, Goa University, India, 2024.
Toney, Glenson, et al. "Development of A Semi Automatic-Robotic Arm for Swab Testing and Intimation System Using Robotic Process Automation." 2022 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Information System (ICDSIS). IEEE, 2022.
Hegade, Prajwal C., et al. "Non-Contact Temperature Detection, Face Mask Detection, and Attendance Updation System using Facial Recognition Technique." 2021 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT). IEEE, 2021.
Shetty, Akshaya D., and Glenson Toney. "Detection of intruders in warehouses using Infrared based Thermopile Sensor Array." IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 376. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2018.
Suvarna, Malini, Glenson Toney, and G. B. Swastik. "Classification of scalding burn using image processing methods." 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT). IEEE, 2017.
Karthik, P., et al. "Implementation of visible light communication (VLC) for vehicles." 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies (ICACCCT). IEEE, 2016.
Toney, Glenson, Fathima Jabeen, and S. Puneeth. "Design and implementation of safety armband for women and children using ARM7." 2015 international conference on power and advanced control engineering (ICPACE). IEEE, 2015.
INR 1.67 Lakhs, CMTI Bengaluru for Product Development for the Project Vruddhi
INR 0.93 Lakhs from SJEC Research Fund for VLC based emergency services Project
Mentored two seed-funded business ideas under the NAIN initiative of the Govt. of Karnataka that has received a total grant of INR. 5.5 Lakhs
Research Innovation Mentorship Award 2024- SJEC Mangaluru
Certificate of Appreciation- Synopsys Inc & Agastya Foundation for driving Student Innovations
Certificate of Appreciation- Texas Instruments for initiatives in bridging gap between Academia, Government & Industry
Active SPOC Award- NPTEL IIT Madras- June & December 2017
Life Member, ISTE
Mr Glenson Toney
Assistant Professor & Training Co-ordinator
B.E, M.Tech