Mr Konanki Surendra

Assistant Professor


My name is Surendra.K .I have done Btech and Mtech in CSE from NIELIT , New Delhi.I have worked in  IT field for Six Years .In teaching I have 14 years experience.I have worked in Arora Hyderabad ,Chaitanya Vizag,Alvas Mangalore,ISME Bangalore.I have taught to Btech,Mtech,MCA,BCA students.I have attended  various FDPs and Workshops conducted in the field of Python,AIML, Business Intelligence etc...I also published papers in National journals like IJCRT.I can teach all Computer Science and few Electronics and Communications related Subjects.I have done Certification courses like CCNA and CCNP ,CWNA in the field of Computer Networks and Security .I have also done Certification course like OCP in the field of Database Administration.I am Certified by NPTEL in the area of Cloud Computing.I also participated in NBA and NACC activities.I also received UHV Certification and Certification in Design thinking from AICTE.Iam also member of  LIONS Club.

Education Qualifications

Sl.No Qualification Level University Area of Specialization Year of completion Awards
1 Mtech NIELIT Computer Science and Engineering 2010
2 Btech NIELIT Computer Science and Engineering 2001
3 Post Diploma in Computer Applications NIELIT Computer Applications 1999
4 DECE JNTU Electronics and Communication Eng 1998

Responsibilities At SJEC

At present Iam working as Assistant Professor in ICBS Department at SJEC .My responsibilities are handling acadamic activities like classes ,examination ,Lab  etc..

Apart from this iam also responsible in handling NAAC and NBA activities .Iam  also mentor for first year  students .

Work Experience

1.At present iam working as Assistant Professor in ICBS Dept. 

2.Worked as Sr.Asst professor in ISME, Bangalore fr MCA Dept.                   

3.Worked as Sr.Assistant professor in CSE Dept at Alvas Eng College , Mangalore.  

4.Worked as Associate Professor in CSE Dept at Chaitanya Eng. College, Vizag 

5.Worked as Asst professor in CSE dept at Arora Eng College , Hyderabad.

Research Areas

1.Computer Science and Engineering 

2.Quantum Computing and Artificail Intellligence 

Journal Publications

1.Published paper on “Fake Indian Currency Detection” in IJCRT journal ,ISSN :2320-2882 in the year

2. Published paper on “Enhancing Network Security through Software Defined Network” in IJARSCT
journal, ISSN: 2581-9429 in the year 2022.

3. Published paper on” A Study on Open source software” in IJCRT journal , ISSN: 2581-9429 in the
year 2022

Awards and Recognitions

1.NPTEL Certified in Cloud Computing 

2.Certified in MIcrosoft Power BI 

3.CISCO certifications CCNA.CCNP.CWNA.

4.Microsoft A+ Certification

5.Certification in Design Thinking from AICTE

Membership in professional Bodies

Member of  IJARST journal 

 ISSN: 2581-9429

Workshop/FDPs Attended

1.Attended Certification program On MICROSOFT POWER BI at SVCE Bangalore.

2.Attended one week Research Development Program on Problem Formulation , Publication, Proposal and
Thesis Writing organized by IIIT Allahabad. 

3.Attended joint FDP on Innovation and Design Thinking conducted by AICTE-VTU .

4.Attended FDP on Universal Human Values conducted by AICTE-VTU.

5.Attended FDP on Social Connect and Responsibilities conducted by AICTE-VTU .

6.Attended FDP on Applications of Mathematical Concepts in Data Analytics and Machine Learning using
Python organized by Alvas Institute Of Eng. and Technology, Mangalore

7.Attended training on Python programming conducted by APSDC Andhra Pradesh.

8.Attended workshop on IOT conducted by JNTU Kakinada in Chaitanya Engineering College,Vizag.

9.Attended Workshop on Data Ware Housing and Mining conducted by Vignan Institute Of Science and
Technology , Vishakapatnam ,Andhrapradesh.

10.Attended training on  NBA ,Teaching  Pedagogy conducted by IISC Bangalore .


Contact Information

Mr Konanki Surendra

Assistant Professor
