Ms Chaitra U R

Assistant Professor


Academician with 11 Years of teaching experience with Signal Processing as area of interest. My vision as an Engineering Educator is to impart best technical knowledge to the students which is possible by having in depth knowledge of the content being taught.

Education Qualifications

Sl.No Qualification Level University Area of Specialization Year of Compeltion Awards
1 M.Tech VTU Digital Electronics & Communication 2013

First Class with Distinction

2 B.E VTU Electronics & Communication Engineering 2009

First Class with Distinction

Responsibilities At SJEC

  • Chairperson of Professional Societies Group(PSG) for the year 2024.
  • TIARA-2024 Convener
  • IEEE SJEC Student Branch Counselor-2023
  • TIARA-2023 Convener
  • Member of Team Innoventure
  • Member of PSG for the year 2022 & 2023
  • Department IEEE & ISTE Coordinator for the year 2022 & 2023
  • Department NBA Program Coordinator from 2018 onwards
  • Board of Studies Member of ECE Department, SJEC from Jan 2022. 
  • Department LIC Coordinator for the year 2023-24



Work Experience


Assistant Professor, Department of ECE from 15 July 2013 onwards


Lecturer, Department of ECE, SJEC from 16 January 2010 to 28 May 2011 


Research Areas

Digital Signal Processing 


Journal Publications

1) Published a paper title "Automatic Medicine Dispneser" in the International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology in May 2023.

2) Published a paper title "Smart Waste Management System" in the International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering in May 2023.

3) Published a paper title "Obstacle and fall detection system for the blind" in the International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science  in April 2023.

Conference Proceedings

1) Presented a paper titled " Effective Venipuncture Method for Intravenous Therapy" at INCET-2021 during 21-23 May 2021 held at Jain College of Engineering, Belagavi which was published in IEEE Xplore.

2) Co-authored the paper  titled “Region Incrementing schemes in Visual Cryptography using MATLAB” in the International Conference ICIRS 2015 at Bengaluru.

3) Co-authored the paper titled “Visual Cryptography and Region Incrementing Visual Cryptography Schemes using MATLAB” in the National Conference NCACSP-2015 at SJEC, Mangaluru

4) Presented the paper titled "Generation of Pseudo Chaotic Sequence and Implementation of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum System using VHDL" in CSECONF2013 at Jain University , Bangalore

Research Grants

  • The Project titled “Smart Glass for Visually Impaired” received a grant of Rs 5000/- under KSCST "Student Project Programme - 44th Series" for the AY 2020-21.


Awards and Recognitions

  • The project titled  "Obstacle and Fall Detection to guide visually impaired people with real time monitoring" received I Prize at TECHNOVA-2023-B.E. Project work exhibition held at SJEC.
  • The mini project titled  "Obstacle avoidance and guiding system for the blind" received I Prize at Mini Project Exhibition-2022 held at SJEC.
  • The project titled  "Arrhythmia Detection on ECG Signals by Using Empirical Mode Decomposition" received II Prize at TECHNOVA-2022-B.E. Project work exhibition held at SJEC.
  • The project titled “Automated Medicine Dispenser” was shortlisted for 2nd round of presentation under MANTHAN-2021.
  • The project titled “Automated Medicine Dispenser” was shortlisted for AICTE South-West region completion under the Chhatra Vishwakarma Award -2020.
  • Completed the IIEECP (IUCEE International Engineering Educators Certification Program) course with distinction. 
  • Completed the “Foundation Course on Research Methods” with High Distinction conducted by IUCEE. 


Membership in professional Bodies

  • IEEE Professional Member
  • IEEE ComSoc Member
  • ISTE Life Member

Workshop/FDPs Attended

  • FDP on "Advancing research with MATLAB & Simulink" organized by the Dept of ECE, SJEC from 10-12, June 2024.
  • One Week National level FDP on Digital Pedagogy ICT & AI assisted teaching in-line with OBE & NEP organised by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of St. James College of Nursing and St. James College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chalakudy in association with The Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC) from 29 May 2024 to 05 June 2024.
  • Five Days Online Faculty Development Programme on "Recent Trends and Challenges in Medical Image Analysis-Python Perspective", conducted by ECE, CMRIT, Bengaluru from 18 March 2024 till 22 March 2024
  • Conference Organizers Education Workshop-2023 organised by IEEE on 18 November 2023. 
  • Workshop on "Awareness on OBE and AICTE Examination Reforms from 11-13 April 2023 organised by Dept of ECE, SJEC.
  • FDP on "Patent and Research and opportunities in India" on 29 March 2023 organised by Dept of ECE, SJEC in association with NUTEC, Nitte
  • Workshop on "Patent writing and Prior Art Assessment on 8 November 2022 organised by IPSC-SJEC and SJEC AICTE IDEA  Lab, SJEC.
  • Workshop on "Change Management" held on 16 & 23 November 2021 organised by IQAC and QGG at SJEC.
  • Online workshop on "Project Planning & Scheduling" held on 19, 26 August and  & 1 September 2021 organised by Dept of MBA and Civil Engg, SJEC.
  • FDP on “Problem-based learning” held from 13/09/2021 to 17/09/2021 at SJEC, Mangaluru organized by IQAC, Library & Learning group and Development & Planning group, SJEC. 
  • Workshop on "Designing communication systems -Wireless and 5G with MATLAB and Simulink " was held on 06/05/2021,07/05/2021 & 10/05/2021, organized by the department of ECE, SJEC in association with Mathworks.
  • Workshop on "Analysis of Balance Eye movement to diagnose balanced disorders using Balance Eye" held on 9/2/2021, organized by department of ECE, SJEC.
  • FDP on "Insights on writing research proposals and funding opportunities" held from 20/07/2020  to 24/07/2020 organized by SJEC
  • FDP on "Engineering Ethics"  on 18 January 2021 organised by SJEC
  • Hands-on workshop series on "Online teaching tools and Virtual labs" held from 21/9/2020 to 30/9/2020, organized by SANJOSH, the teaching-learning centre, SJEC.
  • Workshop on Internet of Things from16-18 July 2020, Online organised by NITK STEP in association with Pantech E Learning
  • Workshop on PLC Programming & Industrial Interface from 22-24 June 2020(Online) organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering & Indwell Automation.
  • Workshop on Research opportunities in Bio-Medical Engineering from 8-10 January 2020 organised by: Department of ECE,SJEC
  • Workshop on Recent Trends in Medical Image Processing using Wavelet Transform from1-5 January 2019 organised by Department of ECE,SJEC
  • Workshop on Fundamentals in Sampling Theory from 17 March 2018 organised by Department of Mathematics ,SJEC
  • Workshop on ARM Cortex M3 Embedded Controller from 18-19 January 2018 organised by Department of ECE,SJE
  • Workshop on "Virtual Laboratory" from 9-10 January 201 organized by Department of ECE, SJEC
  • Workshop on “CADENCE VLSI Design Tools from 21 to 25 July 2015, SJEC organized by Department of ECE, SJEC
  • Workshop on “LabVIEW & Multisim, An effective Teaching Aid and Project   Development Tool for Engineers” from 26 June to 4 July 2014 organized by Department of ECE, SJEC

Contact Information

Ms Chaitra U R

Assistant Professor

B.E, M.Tech