Assistant Professor
I am an engineer by profession, an educator by passion, and a learner by desire. Currently, I am serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering at St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru. I have been teaching at SJEC since 2013, where I share my expertise and enthusiasm for the field with my students. My research interests include embedded systems design, 5G communication and digital circuit design. I am passionate about continuous learning, developing new skills, and expanding my knowledge.
Sl.No | Qualification Level | University | Area of Specialization | Year of completion | Awards | ||||
1 | MTech | VTU | Microelectronics & Control Systems | 2013 |
First Class with Distinction |
2 | BE | VTU | Electronics & Communication Engineering | 2011 |
First Class with Distinction |
5G communication
Embedded systems design
Digital circuit design
Completed the IIEECP (IUCEE International Engineering Educators Certification Program) course with distinction.
Completed the “Foundation Course on Research Methods” with distinction conducted by IUCEE.
Life member of ISTE (LM 123350)
A five-day faculty development programme(Online) on “advanced tools and techniques for best research” jointly organized by the Department of Information Science & Engineering and IPR-Cell from 26/09/2022 to 30/09/ 2022 at RV Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru.
A FDP on "Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning" was held on 24/02/2022 organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SJEC.
A five FDP on “Problem-based learning” held from 13/09/2021 to 17/09/2021 at SJEC, Mangaluru organized by IQAC, Library & Learning group and Development & Planning group, SJEC.
Integra 2021- Six-day FDP on “Curriculum Development inspired by NEP-2020" held from 8/04/2021 to 10/04/2021 and 15/04/2021 to 17/04/2021, organized by IQAC, SJEC.
MathWorks seminar on "Designing communication systems -Wireless and 5G with MATLAB and Simulink " was held on 06/05/2021,07/05/2021 & 10/05/2021, organized by the department of ECE, SJEC in association with Mathworks.
Two-day online hands-on FDP on "Insights on Optical Devices and Networks" held from 25/4/2021-26/4/2021, organized by department of ECE, SJEC.
One day workshop on "Analysis of Balance Eye movement to diagnose balanced disorders using Balance Eye" held on 9/2/2021, organized by department of ECE, SJEC.
Hands-on workshop series on "Online teaching tools and Virtual labs" held from 21/9/2020 to 30/9/2020, organized by ANJOSH, the teaching-learning centre, SJEC.
A FDP on "Insights on writing research proposals and funding opportunities" held from 20/07/2020 to 24/07/2020 organized by SJEC
A FDP on “Writing and Publishing Quality Research Papers in Scholarly Top Tier Journals” conducted by RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering Warje, Pune held from 19/07/2020 to 20/07/2020
A Technical training program on "MATLAB Programming and Image Processing" held from 13/07/2020 to 17/07/2020 organized by IETE Mumbai in association with Pantech E-Learning. Online FDP on "Internet of Things" held during 16/07/2020 -18/07/2020 organized by NITK-STEP National Institute of Technology Karnataka in association with Pantech E-Learning.
A FDP on "Research opportunities in Bio-Medical Engineering" held from 08/01/2020-10/01/2020 at SJEC, Mangaluru, organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SJEC.
STTP on " Rural development through Technical Institution" held from 29/07/2019 to 02/08/2019 at SJEC, Mangaluru organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training & Research, Kolkata.
A Workshop on "Advanced digital system design and verification using Xilinx Vivado and Cadence design suite" was held from 22/07/2019 to 24/07/2019 at SJEC, Mangaluru organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SJEC and CoreEL Technologies, Bangaluru.
A workshop on "Sampling Theory" was held on 17/03/2018 at SJEC, Mangaluru organized by the Department of Mathematics, SJEC.
A workshop on "ARM Cortex M3 Embedded Controller" was held from 18/01/2018 to 19/01/2018 at SJEC, Mangaluru organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SJEC and Vasundhara Technologies , Bengaluru.
A workshop on "Advanced simulation using MATLAB" was held from 18/07/2016 to 22/07/2016 at SJEC, Mangaluru organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SJEC and CoreEL Technologies, Bengaluru.
A workshop on "Advances in Embedded systems-Real –Time Embedded Technology & applications" was held from 25/01/2016 to 27/01/2016 at Canara Engg college,Benjanapadavu, organized by the Department of ECE and EE,Canara Engg college.
A workshop on"Cadence VLSI Design Tools" held from 21/07/2015 to 25/07/2015 at SJEC, Mangaluru organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SJEC and Entreple Technologies Pvt.Ltd, Bengaluru.
The sessions on preparation for accreditations, NEW SAR & Introduction to CBCS held from 20/07/2015 to 21/07/2015 , at SJEC Mangaluru.
A workshop on "LabView and Multisim: An Effective Teaching Aid and Project Development Tool for Engineers" held from 26/06/2014 to 04/07/2014 at SJEC, Mangaluru, organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,SJEC and TRIDENT TECHLABS, Bengaluru.
A workshop on Signals and Systems was held from 02/01/2014 to 12/01/2014 at SIT,Mangaluru, organized by IIT Kharagpur.
A workshop on “Latest Trends in EDA for communication, Electronics and VLSI Technology” was held from 29/07/2013 to 30/07/2013 at SJEC, Mangaluru, organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SJEC and TRIDENT TECHLABS, Bengaluru.
Paper titled " Low-Cost Wearable Asthma Monitoring System with a Smart Inhaler," presented in 2021 Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON), 2021, pp. 1-7
Paper titled " Automated Rubber Tree Tapping and Latex Mixing Machine for Quality Production of Natural Rubber" presented at International Conference on Engineering in the 4th Industrial Revolution (EI4.0) - IEEE HYDCON held during September 11-12, 2020.
Paper titled "Automated Infant Warmer", was presented at the International Conference on Smart Computing Communication & Control (ICSC3 2018).
Paper titled "Implementation Of Adaptive Bit And Power Loading Algorithms In OFDM Systems", was presented at the National Conference on Advances in Communication and Signal Processing (NCACSP - 2016), ISBN:978-93- 81195-87- 1, August 2016, page 74-79.
Ms Deepthi S R
Assistant Professor
BE, M.Tech