Ms K Aarya Shri

Assistant Professor


An Academician with a specialization in Digital Communication and Networking. Ten years of experience as Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, St Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore. Primary research focuses on Antenna Design and Microwave Engineering.

Education Qualifications

Sl.No Qualification Level University Area of Specialization Year of completion Awards
1 M.Tech VTU Digital Communication and Networking 2014
2 AMIE IEI Electronics and Communication Engineering 2011

Responsibilities At SJEC

  1. UHV Co-Coordinator - Student Welfare Group
  2. Department Assocation - Prodigi Coordinator
  3. Department Student Mentoring Coordinator

Work Experience

Designation        :     Assistant Professor

Department        :     Electronics and Communication Engineering

Institution           :     St Joseph Engineering College

Period                :     06/01/2014 till date

Research Areas

Antenna Design 

Microwave Engineering

Journal Publications

K. P., J., Miranda, P.S. & Shri, K.A. Design of canonical signed digit multiplier using spurious power suppression technique adder. J. Eng. Appl. Sci. 70, 86 (2023).

K Aarya Shri,  Vijay Ganesh PC,  Amritha Nair A S,  Amulya D'Souza,  Jyothika K, Monisha Xavier Lopies "Onion Grading System" International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts - IJCRT (ISSN: 2320-2882)

Priya Seems Miranda, Jayalakshmi K P, K Aarya Shri “Rice Leaf Disease Detection Using MATLAB” in International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation, Vol 8, Issue 5, 2023.

Jayalakshmi K P, Priya Seems Miranda, K Aarya Shri “Assisting System for Paralyzed Patients”, in International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering, Vol 12, Issue 5, 2023.

Jayalakshmi K P, Priya Seema Miranda, K Aarya Shri, Automatic Medicine Dispenser, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Volume 11, Issue 6 June 2023.

D’Souza, R.M.D., Deepthi, S.R., Shri, K.A. (2021). Detection Classification and Cutting of Fruits and Vegetables Using Tensorflow Algorithm. In: Suma, V., Bouhmala, N., Wang, H. (eds) Evolutionary Computing and Mobile Sustainable Networks. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 53. Springer, Singapore.

K Aarya Shri , Jayalakshmi K P , Priya Miranda , Rupal D’Souza , Deepthi S R, "Automatic Grocery Vending System",International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering,Vol. 12 Issue 6, June-2023

S. Pavithra , Suhailah Begum , Shraddha Pai. P, Shreya Pai. P , K. Aarya Shri, 2019, Department Information System-Web Application, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Volume 08, Issue 05 (May 2019)

Safa, Krubha Shankari, Sandra, Naksha, K Aarya Shri, "Grain Quality Assessment for Smart Rationing System", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering,  Volume 8, Issue 7, pp:100-103, ISSN 2250 – 2459 (Online).


Conference Proceedings

S. R. Deepthi, R. M. D. DSouza and K. A. Shri, "Automated Rubber tree tapping and latex mixing machine for quality production of natural rubber," 2020 IEEE-HYDCON, Hyderabad, India, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/HYDCON48903.2020.9242699.

Workshop/FDPs Attended

A FDP on "Advancing Research with MATLAB & Simulink organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with  MathWorks & CoreEL Technologies was held from 10/06/2024 to 12/06/2024.

A Workshop on “System Design Flow using Vivado and Vitis”  organized by the Department of CSE, NITK, Surathkal from 14th - 15th March 2024.

A SDP on "Scientific Paper Writing and Publishing" organized by the Department of CSE, SJEC from 21/09/2023 - 23/09/2023.

A one day Workshop on "Investment & Personal Money Management" organized by the Department of Business Administration, SJEC on 18 July 2023.

Three day workshop on Structural and Fluid flow Analysis using ANSYS Workbench organised by SJEC AICTE IDEA LAB in association with TLC Sanjosh during 6-8 June 2023.

FDP on "Patent and Research Oppurtunities in India",Organized by Department of ECE in association with NUTEC,Nitte on 29 March, 2023.

Five days Faculty Development program on Internet of Things conducted by CISCO-RVCE CoE-lOT during 26-30 September 2022.

A three-day workshop on “Business Model Canvas” organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering held during from 04/04/2022 to 06/04/ 2022.

"A Three Days Faculty Development Program on Course Design & Management" organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of SJEC, Mangaluru     conducted during  16/07/2018-18 /07/2018.

Integra & Cornea 2019- Three Days Faculty Development Program on “Learning through Effective Assessment”, “Technology for Engineering Education” & “Writing Good Research Papers”" organized by    SJEC, Mangaluru.

"Advanced Digital System Design using XILINX Vivado and Cadence Design Suite" organized by SJEC, Mangaluru   conducted during 22/07/2019 - 24/07/2019.

"Recent Trends in Electric Vehicle Technology" organized by  SJEC, Mangaluru conducted during 12/12/2019 -14/12/2019.

 "Research Opportunities in Biomedical Engineering" organized by SJEC Mangaluru conducted during 08/01/2020 - 10/01/2020.

"One-week online FDP on "Insights of writing Research Proposals and Funding Opportunities" organized by SJEC Mangaluru    conducted during 20/07/2020 -24 /07/2020.

"MATLAB DAY" organized by SJEC MATLAB and IEEE Student Branch in association with Mathworks conducted on  September 6, 2018. 

"FEEL TEACHER" Learning & Development Intervention organized by St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru and conducted by College of Leardership and HRD, Mangaluru during 02/07/2018-04/07/2018. 

"Agile Methodologies and Scrum" conducted by St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru on June 11, 2018. 

TEQIP-III Sponsored 5-days Short Term Training Program on “Optimization Techniques for Signal Processing and Network Communication (OTSPNC-2018) during June 14-18, 2018 at NITK Suarthkal. 

"ARM CORTEX M3 Embedded Controller Workshop " conducted by St Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru from 18/01/2018 to 19/01/2018.

“Advances on Embedded Systems - Real-Time Embedded Technology and Applications conducted by Canara Engineering College, Mangaluru from 25/01/2016- 27/01/2016.

“Embedded Application Development using ARM Processor” conducted by SJEC, Mangaluru from 20/07/2016-24/07/2016.

“Cadence VLSI Design Tools” conducted by SJEC, Mangaluru from 21/07/2015- 25/07/2015.

“LabVIEW and Multisim, An Effective Teaching Aid and Project Development Tool for Engineers” conducted by SJEC, Mangaluru from 26/06/2014- 04/06/2014.

Conferences attended

International Conference on Engineering in the 4th Industrial Revolution (EI4.0) - IEEE HYDCON held during September 11-12, 2020. 

Contact Information

Ms K Aarya Shri

Assistant Professor

AMIE, M.Tech