Ms Reshma K J

Assistant Professor


Academician with 18 years teaching experience, specialization in Digital Electronics & Communication, and active researcher in the field of Image Processing.

Education Qualifications

Sl.No Qualification Level University Area of Specialization Year of completion Awards
1 MTech VTU Digital Electronics and Communicaton 2009
2 B.E MANGALORE Electronics & Communication 2001

Responsibilities At SJEC


1.      Dept Autonomy Coordinator - To conduct the meetings with different stakeholders on curriculum development

2.      Dept ISO coordinator: To arrange prior auditing by department committee to assure the preparation according to audit requirement.

3.      Admissions (UG & PG) Coordinator- Support and counselling to students during annual admission process

4.      Alumni Coordinator- Act as a link between Students, Alumni and the Placements Cell. 

5.      Class Coordinator- To monitor and maintain attendance, marks and other academic & extracurricular records of students

Work Experience

Asst Professor

From Feb 2006 till date 

Research Areas

Biomedical Signal Processing, Image Processing

Conference Proceedings

1.      “Early Detection of Brain Tumour in MRI Images using Open by Reconstruction and Convolution Neural Networks” in the IEEE sponsored Second International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICEEICT 2023) organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India during 05 – 07, April 2023.

2.      Impact of Project-Based Learning on Entrepreneurial and Social Skills Development- Eighth International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE 2021), during January 8-10, 2021.

Research Grants

1.     Received KSCST Grant for student project titled “Development of Non Invasive Device to Measure Serum Glucose during Covid 19 Pandemic Era” in the year 2020-21.

2.     Received VTU TEQIP CELL funding of Rs. 1 Lakh for Training Lab Instructors on March 6-7, 2020

Membership in professional Bodies


Workshop/FDPs Attended

1.      Attended FDP on “AI applications in Teaching” held on 07 June 2024 organized by the Department of Mathematics at SJEC, Vamanjoor

2.      Attended FDP on “Awareness on Outcome Based Education and AICTE Examination Reforms" organized by the Department of ECE in association with IQAC and TLC - SJEC during 11-13 April 2023.

3.      Attended  FDP on “Patent and Research opportunities in India” on March 29, 2023 organized by E&C Dept, SJEC, Vamanjoor

4.      Attended  workshop  on “Business Model Canvas” organized by the Department of ECE from 04-06 April, 2022

5.      Online Workshop on “FDP on Designing Communication System: Wireless and 5G With MATLAB and SIMULINK” 6-10 May 2021, organized by E&C Dept, SJEC, Vamanjoor , SJEC.

6.      Workshop on Analysis of eye movement to diagnose balanced disorders using balance eye” 9 February 2021, organized by E&C Dept, SJEC, Vamanjoor

7.      Online workshop on “ Curriculum Development Inspired by NEP 2020, 8-10 April 2021, SJEC

8.      Online workshop on  Research methodology and data analysis held by KSTA, Dept of Karnataka, from 17th to 20th June 2020.

9.      Workshop on Advanced Simulation using MATLAB organized by E&C Dept, SJEC, Vamanjoor from  July 18-22, 2016

10.  Workshop on OBE and New SAR,Integra-2016, held on 22nd January 2016 at SJEC, Vamanjoor .

11.  Workshop on  Cadence VLSI Design Tools organized by E&C Dept, SJEC, Vamanjoor from July 21-25, 2015.

12.   Sessions on Preparations for Accreditation ,New SAR & Introduction to CBCS , Integra-2015 held on 20th July 2015 at SJEC, Vamanjoor .

13.   Workshop on Google Apps,Spoorthi-2015 held on 24 January 2015 at SJEC, Vamanjoor .

14.  .National Workshop on Challenges in Space Science Engineering (CSSE_2012) held on 27-28 Jan , 2012 at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal

15.   Workshop on Techniques of Low Power design and Hands on Tool exposure on synopsys and Mentor graphics design suites held during 29th to 31st August 2007


Conferences attended

1.      “Fire Prediction and Detection in Waste Management Site”, in 5th International Conference on Engineering And Advancement In Technology (ICEAT 2024) held on 21 June 2024

2.      Animaux Care System National Level Conference  held on 05 May  2023  at PUTTUR Vivekananda College of Engineering and Technology

3.      Detection of Leukemia using CNN , National Level Conference  held on 17th June 2022  at PUTTUR Vivekananda College of Engineering and Technology

4.      Medical Image Stegnography for securing patient information, National Conference on Robotics, control & embedded systems , 22-May-2017

5.      Tomato maturity grading using Image processing -National Conference on Advances in Communication and Signal Processing (NCACSP-2016)

6.      Person authentication using  Iris Recognition-National Conference on Advances in Communication and Signal Processing (NCACSP-2015) ISBN: 978-93-83842-65-0

7.        A Novel Content Based Image Retrieval Using Variance Color Moment with SAD Method -National Conference on Advances in Communication and Signal Processing(NCACSP-2014) ISBN: 978-93-83842-65-0

8.       Offline Handwritten Kannada and English Numeral Recognition Using Wavelet Transforms-National Conference on Advances in Communication and Signal Processing(NCACSP-2014) ISBN: 978-93-83842-65-0


Contact Information

Ms Reshma K J

Assistant Professor

B.E, M.Tech