Ms Shama B N

Assistant Professor


Teaching Philosophy

In my role as an educator, I strive to create an engaging and inclusive learning environment. I believe in encouraging students to ask questions, think critically, and apply their knowledge to solve real-world problems. I currently teach courses on Digital Communication, Introduction to IOT, and Signals and system Lab, and I continually seek to integrate innovative teaching methods to enhance student learning experiences. I am  an active researcher in the field of bio medical image processing.


Education Qualifications

Sl.No Qualification Level University Area of Specialization Year of Compeltion Awards
1 M.Tech (Ph.D) Visvesvaraya Technological University Digital Electronics and Communication Systems 2011
2 B.E Visvesvaraya Technological University Electronics and Communication 2004

Responsibilities At SJEC

Teaching Learning Center coordinator for academic year 2023-24

Universal Human values coordinator for academic year 2022-23


Work Experience

Academic Experience:


Asst Professor

Start Date : June 2011 till Date


Institution : SJEC

Designation : Lecturer

Period : 1/2007 to 05/2011

Institution : NMAMIT

Designation : Lecturer

Period : 10/2004 to 10/2005

Industrial Experience:

 M.Tech project was carried out at TechYogi Shruti Solutions Pvt. Ltd., NITK, Mangalore


Research Areas

Biomedical Signal Processing

Image Processing

Analog and Digital Communication

Computer Communication Networks

Journal Publications


1. “Design and Implementation of Traffic Monitoring for Indian Smart Cities”,Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, June Issue, 2023, pp 1012-1017

2. “SMART ARECANUT PESTICIDE SPRAYER BOT” International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Vol. 11, Issue No 6,2023, pp 1-4

3. “An approach for radiation dose reduction in computed tomography” International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 13, Issue No 1,2023, pp 1169-1179

4. "Detecting and Classifying Epileptic Seizures by HOS Cumulants". Journal of Biological Engineering Research and Review, 2021; 8(2): 01-425 ISSN: 2349-3232

5."Classification of Seizure, Normal and interictal Signals Using Different Classifiers" . International Journal of Science & Innovative Engineering & Technology (IJSIET), Bangalore, India 2020, May 2021 Issue Volume 4, ISBN 978-93-81288-22-1

6. "Advent of PHY and MAC layer operations in wireless and local Personal area network". ICTACT journal on communication Technology, December 2013, Volume 4, Issue 4, ISSN 0976 - 0091.

7.  "An enhanced and secure Image Transmission Technique using Secret fragment visible Mosaic image". International journal on engineering research and Technology, Volume , Issue 19

8. "Remote monitoring of temperature and pulse rate detection for multiple patients using coordinator set design approach"
 International journal of emerging technology and advanced engineering, ISSN: 2250-2459, Volume 8, Issue 7,July 2018

9. "Low cost voice and gesture prosthetic hand "Published in IEEE digital explorer 978-1-5386-1887-5/17/$31.00 @ 2017 IEEE


Conference Proceedings


1 "  Analysis of BER Performance of different channel estimation algorithm in OFDM systems", National conference on Advances in communication and signal processing 2016 , ISBN:978-93-81195-87-1

2. “An efficient steganography with Mosaic image for secure communication",  National conference on Advances in communication and signal processing 2015 , ISBN:978-93-81195-84-0

3. "Implementations of specific functions of physical layer in WPAN" , National conference on information science 2011, Manipal center of information science, Manipal .


1.“A Review on Techniques of Radiation Dose Reduction in Radiography” Expert Clouds and Applications, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, pp 681 -694

2 “Design and Implementation of Traffic Monitoring for Indian Smart Cities”, International conference on computer science , cyber security and information technology, CCIT-2023

3.“SMART ARECANUT PESTICIDE SPRAYER BOT”, International Conferance on Technology for industry 4.0 revolution , ICTIR 2023

4.  “SMART CAR PARKING SYSTEMS ”, International Conferance on Technology for industry 4.0 revolution , ICTIR 2023, pp 23

5 . " Ventilation monitoring and indoor air quality control system" International conference on smart computing communication and control (ICSC3-2018) 

6." Stack porting of IEEE 802.15.4 on IEEE 802.11 Hardware".International conference on Emerging trends in Engineering , N M A M I T, Nitte

7. " Remote Monitoring of temperature and pulse rate detection for multiple patients using coordinator set design approach". International conference on smart computing communication and control (ICSC3-2018)

8. " An enhanced secure image transmission technique using secret fragment visible mosaic image"  International conference on Engineering, science. Management and advances in research technology(ICESMART-15)

9. "Low cost voice and gesture prosthetic hand" Published in IEEE digital explorer 978-1-5386-1887-5/17/$31.00 @ 2017 IEEE

10. "Design and Development of distinct functions of PHY and Mac layer in WPAN".International conference on Emerging technology trends in advanced engineering research, Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala



Research Grants


Awards and Recognitions


1. Best Paper award for Paper titled " Implementations of specific functions of physical layer in WPAN", at National conference on information science 2011 held at Manipal center of information science, Manipal on 29 and 30 of April 2011.

2. Selected as one of the Finalist for "The best Techno Faculty Award 2014" at ICT academy of Tamil Nadu

3.Best Paper award for Paper titled " An efficient steganography with Mosaic image for secure communication", at National conference on Advances in communication and signal processing 2015 held at St Joseph Engineering college on 13 and 14 of August 2015.

4. UG project selected for Indian science and engineering fair level- 2 during may 20-21.2017 hosted by Alvas education foundation in association with science society of india

5. Received KSCST funding for UG project "solar based mobile charger" during 2013-14

6. Best Paper award for Paper titled "An enhanced, secure image transmission technique using secret fragment visible mosaic image ", in field of image processing at International conference on Engineering, science. Management and advances in research technology (ICESMART-15)  held at  T john Institute of technology, Bangalore on 29 and 30 April 2015.


1.Event Title: Women's Day
Role:Invited Talk
Date & Venue: March 8 2015, Ramakshatriya Hall, Mangaluru
2. Event Title: Annual meet of Ramakhatriya seva sanga
Role:Chief guest
Date & Venue: February 16 2014, Darshan kala Mandir, Puttur


Membership in professional Bodies

Life time member of ISTE

Workshop/FDPs Attended


1.Name of the Workshop:Awareness on outcome based Education and AICTE examination  reforms

Date & Venue: 11-13 April 2023, SJEC

Organized by- SJEC

2.Name of the Workshop:Research Conclave 2022

Date & Venue: 9-10 September 2022, SJEC

Organized by- SJEC

3.Name of the Workshop:Patent and research oppurtunities in India

Date & Venue: 29  March 2023, SJEC

Organized by- SJEC

4.Name of the Workshop: Mission 10X

Date & Venue: 6 -10 February 2012, SJEC

Organized by:SJEC


5.Name of the Workshop: Labview and its Industrial Appications

Date & Venue: 23-27 July 2012, MIT , Manipal

Organized by:NI and MIT


6.Name of the Workshop: Analog Electronics

Date & Venue: 4-14 June 2013, SIT

Organized by:IIT, Kharagpur


7.Name of the Workshop: Hands on LABVIEW workshop

Date & Venue: 20-25th July 2015, SJEC

Organized by:SJEC


8.Name of the Workshop: Advanced DSP Techniques in Bio- Medical research and applications

Date & Venue: 20-25 June 2016,KLE, Belgaum

Organized by:KLE, Belgaum


Attended 35 Workshops and webinars of 2-5 days each


Conferences attended

Same as conferance Procedings

Contact Information

Ms Shama B N

Assistant Professor

B.E, M.Tech
