Ms Simi P Thomas

Assistant Professor


As an academician with 13 years of teaching experience, I am passionate about teaching and dedicated to providing a stimulating and supportive learning environment for my students. I have a strong love for learning new things, constantly seeking to expand my knowledge and stay updated with the latest advancements in my field.

Education Qualifications

Sl.No Qualification Level University Area of Specialization Year of completion Awards
1 M.E Anna University Applied Electronics 2011
2 B.Tech M.G University Electronics And Communication 2009

Responsibilities At SJEC

  • Department Contineo Coordinator
  • Department Mini Project Coordinator
  • NAAC Criteria Incharge

Work Experience


  • Assistant Professor
  • 01/12/2022 - Present


  • Mangalam College of Engineering,Kottayam,Kerala
  • Assistant Professor
  • 06/06/2011 - 25/11/2022(11.5 years)

Research Areas

1.Photoconductive Antennas

2.Analog VLSI

3.Digital Electronics

Journal Publications

  • Solar Powered Water Body Cleaning Robot:International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology(IJERT).2023(2278-0181)
  • Area Efficient Wallace Tree Encoder for Flash ADC.International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology. 8(S09):07-11. 2022
  • The Benefits and Barriers of Patenting: How Academicians and Researchers Can use of their IP to Improve Research Outcomes: An Indian PerspectiveIndian J of Pharmaceutical Education and Research.56(2s):s137-s145(Impact Factor 0.843)
  • Advancement of microneedle-based vaccine delivery- International Journal of Surgery-  (Impact factor 13.4)
  • FPGA implementation of Dynamic Power,Area Optimized Reversible ALU for   various DSP Applications,Materials today.2020,24(3), 2044-2053
  • Near Field Wireless Powering of Implantable Devices, Journal of VLSI Design Tools & Technology.2019,9(1),44-50.Transistor Full Adder: A Comparative Performance Analysis,Recent Trends in Electronic Communication system.2019,
  • Hardware Design using Flexible Hk-Means, Journal of Electronic Design Technology. 2015, 6 (1), 30-35.
  • Background Suppression for Visual Surveillance Using SOM, Journal of Communication Engineering & Systems. 2015,5 (1), 15-20.
  • Amalgamation of Medical Image using Wavelet Theory,  Research & Reviews: Discrete Mathematical Structures. 2015, 2(1), 9-14
  • Low-power,High Speed,Full swing Hybrid Full Adder,Journal of Embedded system & Applications.2019,7( 3),22-29.                         
  • Overview of Various Dynamic Community Evolution Detection Approaches, Journal of Embedded System & Applications.2015,  3(1), 28-32
  • Reduced Partial Product Booth Multiplier with an Effective Error Compensation Circuit, Journal of Trends in Electrical Engineering. 2015, 5(2),42-49.

Conference Proceedings

  • Solar Powered Water Body Cleaning Robot:5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Digital Technologies,Mangalam College of Engineering,  Kottayam,Kerala,May 2023.
  • Area Efficient Wallace Tree Encoder for Flash ADC:International Conference on VLSI,Optics,IoT,Communication and Embedded systems(ICVOICE),Mangalam College of Engineering,Kottayam,Kerala,June 2022.
  • FPGA Implementation of Dynamic Power,Area Optimized Reversible ALU for various DSP Applications:International Multi-Conference on Computing, Communication,Electrical &Nanotechnology(I2CN-2K19),Mangalam College of Engineering,Kottayam,Kerala,April 2019.
  • Intelligent Traffic Control system for Emergency Ambulance:International Multi-Conference on Computing,Communication,Electrical &Nanotechnology(I2CN-2K19), Mangalam College of Engineering,Kottayam,Kerala,April 2019.
  • Detection of Moving Object based on Background Subtraction for Visual Surveillance Applications:Recent Trends In Communication,Computation and Security,Christian College of Engineering,Ottanchathram, Tamil Nadu, March 2011.


Workshop/FDPs Attended

  • Attended one day Research Development Programme on AI Assisted Manuscript Writing conducted by St Joseph Engineering College on 30th May 202
  • Attended  5 days FDP on Cyber Security and Forensics conducted by Mangalam College of Engineering from 22th to 26th January 2024.
  • Attended  5 days FDP on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Image Analysis - Matlab & Python Perspective  conducted by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru from 08-05-2023 to 13-05-2023.
  • Attended an AMD-Xilinx Technical Webinar on Digital Design & Hardware Debugging in association with CoreEL Technologies and AMD-Xilinx held on 28th April 2023.
  • Attended a Mentor Webinar on IC FULL CUSTOM DESIGN FLOW USING MENTOR GRAPHICS TOOL in association with CoreEL Technologies and Mentor on 25th April 2023.
  • Attended 3 days FDP  on Awareness On Outcome Based Education and AICTE Examination Reforms from 11th  to 13th April 2023.
  • Attended 10 days ATAL AICTE led FDP on Design and Applications of actuators,sensors and Instrumentation from 13th  to 24th February 2023.
  • Attended User Awareness Programme on Academic Integrity,Plagiarism and Best Practices conducted by St Joseph Engineering College on 02nd February 2023.
  • Attended  Microsoft India SAP India & ATAL AICTE led FDP on Cloud Computing under Techsaksham program from 30th January to 03rd February 2023.
  • Attended  3 days FDP on Data Science using Python conducted by Mangalam College of Engineering from 24th to 26th January 2023.
  • Attended  5 days IETE Sponsored FDP on Innovations,IPR’s & Optimisation in Electronic Design with Energy Systems  conducted by Mangalam College of Engineering from 18th to 24th November 2022.
  • Attended  Microsoft India SAP India led FDP on Cloud Computing under Techsaksham program from 20th to 22th April 2022.
  • Attended one week ISTE sponsored FDP on Analog circuits at Saintgits College of Engineering from 18th to 24th April 2018.
  • Attended 47th ISTE National Annual convention held at Saintgits College of Engineering from 27th to 29th January  2018.
  • Attended national workshop on “Applied  Mathematics & Physical Science” at Mangalam college of Engineering from 21st to 22nd May 2017.
  • Attended one day FDP on "Possibilities and Techniques for the performance enhancement of the faculty"at Mangalam college of Engineering on February 2017.
  • Attended one day FDP on "The Joy of Scientific thinking –Through puzzles and parables" by  Prof. C Vijayan (IIT Chennai)at Mangalam college of Engineering on February 2017.
  • Attended two days Workshop on AVR Micro Controller at Mangalam College of Engineering from 30th to 31st  January 2017.
  • Attended one day FDP on  “NAAC Accreditation Procedures” at Mangalam college of Engineering on June 2016.
  • Attended two days FDP on Graphical System design (LabView) in Engineering Applications at Mangalam College of Engineering from 15th to 16th  December 2015.
  • Attended one day FDP on A New Dimension In Approaching a Student at Mangalam College of Engineering on 5th December 2015.
  • Atteneded a one day seminar on nanotechnology at Nitte University,Mangalore on September 2015
  • Attended two days FDP on Applied Mathematics And Physical Science conducted by Mangalam College of Engineering  on May 2015.
  • Attended two days FDP on Innovative Research Ideas In Multidisciplinary Areas  at Mangalam College of Engineering from 9th to 10th  July 2015.
  • Attended  one-day workshop on NPTEL( National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering on  21st November 2015.
  • Attended two days FDP on Pedagogy for Effective Teaching by Centre for Continuing Professional Development(CCPD),Kristhu Jayanthi College Banglore  at Mangalam College of Engineering from 1st to 2nd  July 2011.
  • Attended two day workshop on RF Design and measurement at PSNA College of Engineering from 28th to 29th  August 2009.



  • Successfully completed NPTEL Online Certification course on Matlab Programming for Numerical Computation in May 2024.
  • Successfully completed NPTEL Online Certification course on Research Methodology in May 2024.
  • Successfully completed a Coursera course on Python for Everybody in Jan 2023.

Conferences attended

  • Attended and presented the paper titled " Solar Powered Water Body Cleaning Robot" at 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Digital Technologies,Mangalam College of Engineering, Kottayam,Kerala,May 2023.
  • Attended and presented the paper titled "FPGA Implementation of Dynamic Power,Area Optimized Reversible ALU for various DSP Applications" at International Multi-Conference on Computing, Communication, Electrical & Nanotechnology(I2CN-2K19),Mangalam College of Engineering,Kottayam,Kerala,April 2019.
  • Attended and presented the paper titled "Intelligent Traffic Control system for Emergency Ambulance" at International Multi-Conference on Computing,Communication,Electrical & Nanotechnology(I2CN-2K19), Mangalam College of Engineering,Kottayam,Kerala,April 2019.
  • Attended and presented the paper titled "Detection of Moving Object based on Background Subtraction for Visual Surveillance Applications" at National Conference on Recent Trends In Communication, Computation and Security, Christian College of Engineering, Ottanchathram, Tamil Nadu, March 2011.

Contact Information

Ms Simi P Thomas

Assistant Professor

B.Tech, M.E
