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IEEE SJEC Student Branch & Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with Research and Consultancy (R&C), M.I.T, Manipal, organized a one-day Workshop on Art of Writing a Research Paper, for the B.E Students of SJEC, on 28 March 2018.

The Workshop included a Hands-on session and expert lectures by Dr Manohara Pai M M , Associate Director (R&C), MIT - Manipal, Dr Manjunath K N , Assistant Professor Sr Scale - Dept. of CSE, MIT - Manipal, and Dr Ujjwal Verma , Assistant Professor - Dept. of ECE, MIT - Manipal.

The formal inaugural was held at 10:30 AM, in the Spoorthi Hall of Academic Block 3. Welcoming the Chief Guest and other dignitaries, Dr Sridevi Saralaya , HOD Department of Computer Science and Engineering, explained the need for proper guidance to carry out effective research. Dr Rio D’Souza , Vice Principal, SJEC addressed the gathering and pointed out the need for quality and perfection in research papers. The Chief Guest Dr Manohara Pai M M delivered his address by stating the relevance of writing a research paper with high technical qualities. He also spoke about his love for students and how they can achieve milestones with a little encouragement. In his presidential address, Rev. Fr Wilfred Prakash D’Souza , Director, SJEC, congratulated Dr Pai, for his career and research achievements. He also appreciated the IEEE Student Branch for organizing this workshop. Mr Keith Raymond Feandes , Asst. Professor Department of ECE, SJEC and IEEE SJEC Student Branch Counsellor extended the Vote of Thanks.

The first session in the moing was conducted by Dr Manohara Pai on the topics ‘ Research Familiarization and its Necessity’ , and ‘ Technical Paper Organization Know How’. Dr Pai was generous and expressive with his ideas, and made sure that the session was interactive. Through his knowledge and life experiences Dr Pai conveyed the importance of research in personal and professional development. Participants were also introduced to the format of writing and publishing a research paper.

I n the second session at 12:45 PM, Dr Manjunath K N introduced the audience to the topic ‘Publication Process of a Research Paper’. Various review processes required for scientific quality management of a paper were described in this session. While explaining the publication process, Dr Manjunath shed light on numerous areas, including - What to publish, Where to publish, When to publish and How to publish. This Session was interesting as it involved the technicality behind the paper publication.

Dr Ujjwal Verma, in his session at 1:35 PM, dealt with the ‘ Ethical Issues Faced by Researchers’ including fabrication, falsification and plagiarism. This information was new to the participants as it had more relevance in producing an appreciable high quality paper. Students were given enough opportunities to interact with the resource persons and clarify their doubts.

The afteoon session of the workshop was held at 2:40 PM in Sophia Chamber Academic Block 3. Initially the students were given a quiz which included topics covered in the moing sessions. The students with similar field of interests were then paired up to proceed with the hands-on session. The hands-on session involved writing a review paper on few research papers based previosulg shared with the participants based on their topics of interest. All the teams could actively participate in the hands-on, as they were introduced to the research papers in advance. Within 2 hours the teams could completed their review papers which were as per IEEE standards. The last session of the day was taken by Dr Manohara Pai and was focussed on the Intellectual Property Rights .

Mr Klevin from CSE dept. and Ms Shradha from ECE dept. shared their experiences in the feedback session. Dr Manohara Pai also shared his experience with the students and encouraged them to achieve more. Dr Sridevi Saralaya, HOD, from CSE honoured the invitees with memento. The Workshop was ended at 5:45 PM, preceded by the photo session.