CSE - IEEE : Hands-on Workshop on Android Application Development

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The IEEE SJEC Student Branch, Computer Society Chapter organised a hands-on workshop on ‘Android Application Development’ by Mr. Royden Rego and his team of 3rd year CSE students which included Prajwal D'Cunha, Rigel Rego, Arun Patil, Sachin Poojary, Siddesha, Pranav, Abhinandan Ghosh and Jyothy Miranda.

The workshop was conducted in two phases. Phase 1 was conducted on 24th March 2018 from 9:15 AM to 5:00 PM for the 4th semester students of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SJEC which involved 110 participants. Phase 2 of the workshop was conducted on 28th March 2018 for all branches of our college and exteal participants from neighboring colleges which included students from Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management and Srivinas Institute of Technology forming a total of 60 participants.

A brief report of the proceedings during both these days is as follows:
Dr. Sridevi Saralya, Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, welcomed the students to the workshop and introduced the team of 3rd year CSE Students who were organizing the workshop. Mr. Royden Rego is a founder of two software companies, Softrixz and TechShaadi. He and his team designed the official app for the Tiara 2018. Dr. Sridevi Saralaya encouraged the participants to utilize the opportunity to the fullest and congratulated the 3rd year student on their initiative to organise this workshop.

The entire workshop was divided into three session. Session 1 was a theory session conducted from 9:30 AM to 10:30AM. Mr. Royden and Mr. Rigel introduced the audience to the basics of Application Development using Android Studio. They also demonstrated how to install Android Studio for Windows and gave a tour of the Interface. The participants were also familiarized with concepts of Activities and Lifecycle of Activities.

Session 2 was a practical session conducted from 10:45 AM to 1:00 PM. In the Computer Science Laboratories, the team of third years helped the participants set up Android Studio on the devices. They taught the participants how to use and manipulate the properties of the Widgets such as text view, buttons, edit text, image view, progress bar using XML code. Layouts for the user interface were discussed. A java code for creating references, setting background color and text to buttons etc. were explained. With this as the base, a basic login page was designed and the application run on android phones.

Session 3 was a practical session conducted from 1:45 PM to 5:00 PM. During the afteoon session, more functionality was added to the basic login page by using ClickListener and Toast functions. After this, a new Activity was created, and the participants were introduced to the Basics of Intent and passing messages from one Activity to another. The concept of log and lists were introduced. Using the concepts leaed throughout the day the participants designed a simple to-do list application.


The team of 3rd years were engaging, eager to help, quick to answer questions and clarify doubts. At the end of the workshop the organisers announced that a competition on designing a better to-do list application would be held and participants can submit their apps to them for valuation. The participants were also informed about IEEE MAD-C competition and were encouraged to participate in it. . The workshop concluded at 5:00 PM.