CSE – IGNITE: An Introduction to Computer Science Tools and Techniques

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‘CSE-Ignite’, a one-day workshop on ‘Introduction to Computer Science Tools and Techniques’ was organized by the Computer Society Chapter, IEEE SJEC student branch  for  the first year students of St Joseph Engineering College on 24th of March, 2018. The workshop was conducted keeping in mind the current state of the professional world and the various technologies that are prevalent. The talk aimed to enable the entire attendees gauge what disciplines they should be proficient in to pursue any particular field in the industry.

The workshop comprised of two sessions. Students from 3 rd year CSE, SJEC shed light on the concepts of different Computer Science tools and techniques in the first session, followed by a hands-on session on Arduino programming.

The attendees were welcomed by Ms Michelle Rosario, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering at SJEC. She also introduced the speakers of the initial session of the workshop; followed by a brief introduction to IEEE and Computer Society, SJEC chapter by Ms Joslin D’cunha.

The first session brought to light the various facets of Computer Science and the associated concepts that students might require to be acquainted with to cultivate an active interest in their respective fields of study. Various topics such as Web technologies and databases by Ms Jyothy Miranda, Machine leaing by Mr Raghavendra Bhat S., Cloud Computing by Ms Joslin D’Cunha, Artificial Intelligence by Mr Carlton Rodrigues and Mr Alston D’souza, and Inteet of Things by Mr Prajwal D’Cunha were covered during the first session. The student participants were extremely responsive and participated in the session actively.

The hands-on training session on Arduino programming was included so as to allow attendees to obtain the basic knowledge and cultivate interest in IOT, a field that has been gaining traction due to recent technological advancements.The second session was conducted by Ms Pramila M., Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SJEC and Ms Supreetha R, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SJEC. The hands-on session included various experiments using Arduino and sensors.


There was an enthusiastic response from the first year students of all branches, from which 78 students took part. This workshop helped the students gain knowledge of different technologies that are causing a revolution in the present technological world. It also helped students to get different project ideas, widen their horizons and introduced them to various fields present in the industry.