CSE: Technical Talk on "Cryptography and its Applications"

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A technical talk on “Cryptography and its Applications” organized by IEEE SJEC student branch in association with Department of Computer Science and Engineering for the students of Computer Science and Engineering and Electronics and Communication Engineering of St. Joseph Engineering College on 29th  October, 2018.

Mr Aronstun Ralph D'Souza, student of third semester, CSE was the master of ceremony.

Mr  Aronstun Ralph D'Souza welcomed speaker Dr M R Arulalan, his student Mr Vibor, Dr Sridevi Saralaya, HOD- CSE Dept, Mr Shreyas, President of IEEE Student Branch, SJEC and the gathering. He also introduced the speaker Dr M R Arulalan, Assistant Professr, NITK, Surathkal to the audience.  Dr Sridevi Saralaya, Associate Professor & HOD of CSE Department florally welcomed the speaker with a baguette.

The speaker spoke about importance of mathamatics in cryptography, different types of cryptographic attacks, working of different cryptographic algorithms including public key cryptosystem.

There was an enthusiastic response from the students of CSE and E&C branches. The registration was limited and 40 students took part in this talk. This talk helped the students gain knowledge on applications of cryptography in this technological world. The interaction with the speaker also helped few students to get different project ideas.

Mr Aronstun Ralph D'Souza, student of third semester, CSE thanked the Speaker, organizer of the talk Ms Sujatha M. and staff coordinators Dr Rachana P, Ms Soumya and all the participants. Dr Rachana P, Associate Professor, CSE Dept felicitated the speaker with a memento.