The Department of Intelligent Computing and Business Systems (ICBS) in association with IEEE SJEC Student Chapter, organized a Peer-to-peer session on “Role of React in Building Dynamic Websites” on 05-07-2024 during 11:00 am-01:00 pm. The targeted audience of the program were Second year CSBS students. Mr. S. S Naveen from same class was the resource person for the event. Mr. Naveen is learning web technologies by own for the past few months, apart from his curriculam due to his enthusiasm.
The main aim of this session was to make the students aware of why React and ES6 are dominating over the traditional HTML, CSS and Javascript. The technologies like React, Node, Express and MongoDB are included in their syllabus this academic year. Most of the students are new to the web technologies and so extra care is needed to cop up them to the lab syllabus. The session was fully hands-on and students brought their laptops and installed all the required softwares for the same. They have experineced the website designing upto some extent through this session.
The session started by introducing ES6 or ECMAScript 2015 which is the 6th version of the ECMAScript programming language. It is a standardization of Javascript and different from Javascript. He explained about the arrow function that we regularly using in React with suitable examples. The different ways of including styles using CSS was described during the class which will be helpful for their lab. By live coding, he has showed how easy the coding will be, if we are using ES6 extension.
At the end, he has displayed a miniporject of a game, Black Jack which is like a gambling game. He has shared his Github repository to students so that they can later refer it. The below figure shows the interface of the game that he created.
Students interacted with him and asked so many questions regarding the execution of programs and could follow the whole things he covered. At the end of session, Ms. Gayana, Assistant Professor, ICBS Department honored Mr Naveen with an appreciation letter and Ms. Nahla Nafeesa from the same class concluded the session with vote of thanks.
Ms. Saleena T.S, Assistant Professor from ICBS Department was the faculty coordinator and Mr. Mohammed Taanish Hassan, 2nd year CSBS, IEEE society bearer was the student cordinator for the event. Mr. Shajahan, Associate Professor, ICBS Department was also there to attend the session.