Two-day workshop on ‘Machine Learning and Big data Analytics’ by IEEE SJEC Student Branch and Department of CSE

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A two-day workshop on ‘Machine Leaing and Big data Analytics’ was organized by the IEEE SJEC student branch and Department of Computer Science, SJEC for the students of St. Joseph Engineering College on 8th & 9th of February, 2018. Dr. Radhika M. Pai, Professor, Department of Information and Communication Technology, MIT Manipal and Mrs. Girija Attigeri, Assistant Professor - Senior Scale, MIT Manipal were the resource persons of the workshop.

Dr. Radhika M. Pai with 25 years of teaching experience and expertise in patte recognition, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing along with Mrs.Girija Attigeri, who has teaching experience of 12 years and skills of data science, data analytics, machine leaing helped students gain knowledge on the most trending topics in Computer Science.

The workshop was inaugurated in the Spoorthi Hall of Academic Block 3 at 9:00 AM. The inaugural function commenced with a prayer song and lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries.  Dr.Sridevi Saralaya, HOD, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SJEC welcomed the gathering and introduced the resource persons.  Dr. Joseph Gonsalvis, Principal, SJEC briefed about the application of machine leaing and big data analytics and how it has gained its popularity in the recent times. The Chief Guest, Dr. Radhika M. Pai delivered her address by stating that machine leaing and AI concepts have been in existence since the 1960’s but has only recently gained popularity due to advancements in computing and hardware technologies. Rev. Fr Wilfred Prakash D’Souza, Director, SJEC addressed the gathering and inspired students to keep leaing and gaining knowledge. He also appreciated the work of IEEE in conducting these kinds of workshops which helps the students to gain practical knowledge of current technologies. Mr. Keith Raymond Feandes, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication, SJEC and IEEE SJEC Student Branch Counsellor proposed the vote of thanks.

The two day workshop comprised of two sessions on both the days. The resource persons shed lights on the concepts of Machine leaing and its types on the first session followed by a hands-on session on R programming during the second session of first day.Various topics pertaining to machine leaing were also covered, the different algorithms like K-means, regression analysis helped the students to gain better understanding about the topic. The students were challenged with a set of practical exercises based on R programming at the end of the first day. Mr Raghavendra from 3 rd year CSE was the winner of the competition.

On the second day, the first session focussed on understanding “Big Data” and its types and the second session enabled the students to lea about Hadoop, a software framework for distributed processing of large datasets across large clusters of computers. Dr.Radhika M. Pai also discussed about Apache Pig, Apache Hive and RHadoop.

The valedictory function started with Ms Maria Vaz of third year E&C and Mr Siddharth of third year CSE sharing their experiences of the two-day workshop and how they benefitted from it. Dr. Radhika M. Pai addressed the students congratulating them on their active participation and she hoped that the sessions had given them useful insights on the topics of machine leaing and big data analytics and hoped that they would now be interested to carry out projects in these fields.