CIV: Technova – 2017 Project Exhibition

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The Project Exhibition and Competition for the final year Civil Engineering Students was organized on 26 th May 2017 under the banner of Technova 2017. The event commenced with a brief welcome note in the board room followed by a brief introduction of the Judges in the Department.

In the Civil Engineering Department, there were 15 teams in total participating in the competition. Seven projects were experimental basis while four were software based and remaining were case study based. The exteal judge of the event was Mr Anil Hegde, Proprietor of Vimal Anil Structural and Survey Consultants - Mangalore and the Inteal Judge was Mr Chitharanjan M, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Department.

The winners were Mr Parashuram & Group, Mr Shashank & Group and Ms Megha Rachel Kurian & Group in the order of I, II and for Innovative project respectively. Their respective topics were Analysis and Design of low cost RCC precast units, RCC Precast interlocking units with replacement of cement and sand by fly ash and bottom ash, and Low cost natural filters, respectively. The projects were guided by, Mr Vinod T D’Souza, Mr Mithun and Mr Prashant Kurdekar respectively, all Assistant Professors in the Department.

The exhibition was open till 5:00 PM for the visistors.