Civil: Invited Lecture on Indian Vaastu-A Scientific Approach

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The Civil Engineering Students’ Association, NIRMAN organized a technical talk on Indian Vaastu-A Scientific Approach by Er Raghavendra Holla, Assistant Professor at MIT Manipal on 21 st September, 2016 at Bishop Aloysius Paul Hall at 2:00 pm.

MsVishika Keshav, V semester student, welcomed the gathering. Dr Nalini Rebello, HOD - Department of Civil Engineering, welcomed the guest florally. Mr Abhijith Acharya from V semester introduced the guest to the gathering. Er Raghavendra Holla, started the session by telling that Vaastu Sastra could be termed as an observatory science and was devised by people who observed problem ridden homes, but nowadays people are using this science without knowing the basics.

Vaastu is a science oriented on the directional location of a place. The direction indicates the relative positioning of things and the entire concept of Vaastu is guided by the availability of water, ventilation and electric current. The speaker also briefed about some basics of Vaastu such as north east coer of the space is ought to be the lightest and south west coer of a space is ought to be the heaviest and hence materials considered light are to be placed at the north east and materials considered heavy are to be placed at the south west direction of the house. Money making and planning for commercial activities should be placed along west and south walls, whereas prayer and other activities should be placed along north and east walls. He also made a special note that the head, while sleeping, should be in south or alteatively in west which will provide a sound sleep. The door should, as the lighter part, be placed in northe or easte halves only and the kitchen should always be in the south east. He also mentioned that while selecting the site for a building always triangular and odd coers have to be avoided and it is always better to go for an east facing site.

The speaker concluded the talk by telling that even if incorporation of 100% Vaastu is not possible within the available land, the reduced energies within the house can be increased by taking remedial actions without altering the structure.

The session was wound up by Mr Abhijith delivering the vote of thanks.