CIVIL-NIRMAN: Technical talk on Law for Civil Engineers & Code of Ethics to Practice Civil Engineering

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Technical talks on Law for Civil Engineers & Code of Ethics to Practice Civil Engineering were organised by the Civil Engineering Students' Association - NIRMAN along with Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India), Mangalore Centre, on 21 st September at 11:00 am in Bethania Hall. Dr Premananda Shenoy, Structural Engineer, Roy & Shenoy Consultants, Mangaluru, and Dr Suresha S N, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NITK were the resource persons. Dr Premananda Shenoy gave his presentation on the topic Law for Civil Engineers. He informed the students about the differences between the civil law and the criminal law. He also spoke about the architectural bill and association of Institute of Engineers Bill. Finally, he explained about the various documents to be prepared for taking up any consultancy work.

Dr Suresha S.N. delivered his talk on Code of Ethics to Practice Civil Engineering. He discussed the importance of need for ethics in professional practices. He also explained about the unethical practices which are followed in Civil Engineering related works.

The session concluded with an interaction with the students followed by Vote of Thanks.