ECE: Inauguration of Activities for 2017-18 of PRODIGI

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  • ECE: Inauguration of Activities for 2017-18 of PRODIGI


The Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) Department formally inaugurated the activities of its Departmental Student Association – PRODIGI for the academic year 2017-18 at 2:30 pm in the Kalam Auditorium of Academic Block II, on 4 th September 2017.

Rev. Fr Wilfred Prakash D’Souza, Director - SJEC was President of the function. Dr Rio D’Souza, Vice Principal of SJEC graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Dr Joseph Gonsalvis, Principal – SJEC and In-charge-HOD of ECE Department, and Rev. Fr Rohith D’Costa, Assistant Director-SJEC, were the Guest of Honors.

The dignitaries were welcomed by Ms Shivani, President of PRODIGI, after which Mr Ashish Kini, Vice President - PRODIGI, delivered the annual report of activities conducted by the association in the previous academic year 2016-17.

The inauguration ceremony was innovative with the dignitaries using a Qurio 2.0, the Robot designed by the Pioneer Club Members, to light up the lamp.

Ms Eden Rose Feandes, Treasurer-PRODIGI, briefed the activities proposed for the academic year 2017-18. The Chief Guest, Dr Rio D’Souza, asked students to adopt the changes in their life and to be aware and alert to the mode technological changes.

Certificates of Excellence for the top 10 rank holders of the previous Semester, was presented by the Dignitaries. The Director, Rev. Fr Wilfred Prakash D’Souza explained the importance of being a prodigi.

Mr Chethan Pinto, Secretary - PRODIGI, proposed the Vote of Thanks.  Mr Radlee Jovan D'Souza and Ms Chrystle Pinto, were the emcees of the inaugural ceremony.

Followed by the formal inaugural function, refreshments were served to all the students and faculty of ECE department. Prodigi members welcomed the second year student to the ECE family by conducting some fun activities.