ECE-Prodigi: Talk on Digitalization and its Impact & Communication and Creativity

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Prodigi – The Students’ Association of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering organised a talk on 28 April 2018 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in Fr Fred Memorial Hall.. The resource person was Mr Vidyabhushana H from Siemens Technology, Bengaluru. The final year students of ECE Department attended the talk.

The session began with an introduction of the Resource Person by Ms Prajwal D’Souza, Associate Professor - ECE Department. In his address, Mr Vidyabhushana spoke about Digitalization and its Impact- Age of digital disruption. The speaker conveyed the pros and cons of the advancements in digital technology. Machine leaing, Data analytics and Inteet of Things (IOT) were the key areas of the talk. He also explained how the data would play a vital role in the near future as all the devices will be connected to the inteet and will be IP addressable.

Later a workshop on Communication and Creativity was conducted for selected students from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. The speaker addressed the general techniques through which one can improve his/her communication skills. Activities were conducted to demonstrate the use of effective communication.