Talk on Mental Health and Wellbeing


PRODIGI-ECE student association organized talk on Mental Health and Wellbeing to the students of ECE department. This event was focused on providing staff and students with the tips to handle stress, anger and emotions and lea to maintain good mental health. The seminar started at 11.30 am sharp by moderator Ms Jennifer C Salanha, who welcomed the attendees and speaker.


The resource person Dr Lavina M Noronha in her talk, she mentioned about the aspects which impacts wellbeing. How to find simple reasons to be happy in our day to day life. What are the different exercises or meditations which can be taken up to have a sound sleep. She also stressed on importance of being positive in our life, managing time, getting organized, managing anger and how each one of these aspects contribute towards mental health.


The talk was followed by question answer session moderated by Ms Vijayalaxmi H M. The session ended with the vote of thanks. Around 200 students participated in the session. The feedback link was shared with the participants at the end of the session.