Elocution Competition - 2023

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The Department of Physical Education along with Sports Advisory Committee organized Elocution Competition-2023 as a part of Independence Day Celebration 2023 to all BE & PG students on 09 August 2023 from 2.30 pm to 5.00 pm on the topic "India's Remarkable Achievements Since Independence: A Jouey of Progress and Development” . Mr Pooesh M, Sports Advisor-SJEC and Ms Vaneesha V Rodrigues, PED -SJEC were the coordinators. A total of 10 students registered for the competition.

The rules for the competition were as follows.

  • Elocution competition will only be in English, Kannada or Hindi.
  • Speeches shall not be more than four minutes in length.
  • At the end of 3rd min a short bell will be rung to remind you about the time remaining and at the end of 4th min, long bell will be rung where in you are requested to end your words.
  • Participant will be judged on the content, body language, clarity of words and time management.
  • The judge's decision is final.

The speeches delivered by the students were enlightening about the nation's advancements in fields such as space exploration, technology, healthcare, and economy. These speeches highlighted India's transformation from the challenges it faced at independence to its current status as a global powerhouse.

Ms Supreetha D R compered the programme. Ms Jayalakshmi K P Assistant Professor-ECE and Mr Roopesh Assistant Professor- MBA were the Judges.

The prize winners of the competition were as follows.

I Place - Ms Sweedal Pinto, II year CSE,

II Place - Mr Akarsh G B, II year E&E,

III Place - Ms Jayashree C S, I year CSE

Every participant was awarded participation certificate and memento.

Ms Nisha Roche thanked the judges and all the participants for their active participation. The event concluded with the prize distribution.