SJEC celebrates Children’s Day with students of St Michel Higher Primary School, Ammunje

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  • SJEC celebrates Children’s Day with students of St Michel Higher Primary School, Ammunje


The Culture and Media Committee in association with Sports and Community group of SJEC Celebrates children’s day on 14 th November, 2019 which marks the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru with enthusiasm and zeal, keeping in mind his words, “I may not have time for adults, but I have enough time for children.” with the tiny tots of St Michel Higher Primary school at Ammunje. This school falls under one of the adopted village of SJEC, Vamanjoor.

The SJEC team along with the students reached the school around 10.00 AM. The Programme began with a silent prayer. The Head of the school Fr. Patric Sequeira addressed the students and appreciated Team SJEC for spending their time with their school kids and making their day a memorable one. The school Headmistress, Ms Asuntha Monteriro motivated the kids to participate in all the activities. Ms Prathima, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry addressed the students regarding importance of the day and wished all the students Happy Children’s Day. The teachers blessed the students and encouraged them to work diligently and enjoy their childhood a transient phase to optimum.

Ms Venita Navya Monteiro, Assistant Professor, Dept of Physics along with student conducted various games and fun activities on the occasion of children’s day. It was a delight to watch that satisfying smile on those young faces. The highlight of assembly was the scintillating dance performance by the cultural team of SJEC. The children were filled with exhilaration and also shook their legs at the end of the cultural programme.

The culmination of the assembly was the icing on the cake for the students, as their favorite songs were played and they shook a leg along with their facilitators. It was a fun filled day for all the kids, which would always be cherished as a fond memory.

Towards the end of the programme refreshments were served to all. The school management on behalf of the students thanked us for coming to their school and making their day a truly memorable one. It was indeed a sense of satisfaction that we all felt on achieving the objective which we had planned for. Mr Ajithanjaya Kumar, Ms Supriya Salian, Chairpersons- S&C Group, C&M group coordinated the programme. Ms Vaneesha V Rodriguez, Mr Subramanya K, Ms Prathima S, Ms Smitha D’Souza, Ms Venita Navya Monteiro, Ms Eden Sequeira and Mr Pooesh M were the facilitators. We thank Management of SJEC for giving us an opportunity for organizing such a wonderful programme.