MCA: Farewell for the Class of 2017


The Farewell Function for MCA 2014–2017 batch was conducted on Friday, 07 th April 2017 in Bishop Aloysius Paul Conference Hall. The function was organized by I and II year MCA students of SJEC.

The event began with a formal ceremony at 11:45 A.M.  Rev. Fr. Joseph J Lobo –Director SJEC presided over the function and Dr. Joseph Gonsalvis, Principal SJEC was the Chief Guest of the occasion. The other dignitaries present were Rev. Fr. Rohith D’Costa, Assistant Director – SJEC and Dr. Rio D’Souza - Vice Principal SJEC, who graced the occasion as Guests of Honour. Ms Sumangala N – I/C HOD-MCA and Ms Kavitha K Mahesh, – Staff Coordinator of the event were also present.

The formal function began with the invocation of the Divine by Ms Vinaya and group, II year MCA .  Ms Shwetha Vatsa, I year MCA welcomed the gathering which was followed by floral felicitation of the dignitaries by the students.

As a token of love and appreciation, the outgoing students were presented with mementos. Students from the outgoing batch who had exhibited appreciable performances in academics, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities were recognized and rewarded with Special prizes.

The President of the function, Rev. Fr Joseph Lobo, while quoting the words of Sri Adi Shankara on maturity, spoke on the qualities of a matured individual following which, he said, every individual would attain a happy matured life. The other dignitaries inspired the students to take up challenges and responsibilities with confidence, reminded them of their social and moral responsibilities and wished the best for all outgoing students in their future endeavors.

With the Vote of Thanks delivered by Ms. Vinaya S, II year MCA, the curtains were drawn on the formal function. Ms. Prithvi Shet, II year MCA anchored the event.

The formal function was followed by lunch and informal function thereafter. Various interesting games were conducted for the outgoing students by the students of I and II year MCA and exciting prizes were given to the winners. The outgoing students were whole-heartedly bid farewell from the SJEC-MCA family.