ME: Aloha 2018 Farewell to the Class of 2018

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The Department of Mechanical Engineering organised ALOHA 2018 - Farewell to the Class of 2018 on 15 th May 2018, at 02:00 PM in Bishop Aloysius Paul Conference Hall. Dr Joseph Gonsalvis, Principal, SJEC was the Chief Guest for the programme. Dr Sudheer M, Dean-Student Welfare and HOD of the Mechanical Engineering Department was the Guest of Honour, and Dr Raju K., Research Head, Mechanical Engineering at SJEC presided over the function. Mr. Pavana Kumara B, Assistant Professor in the Department convened the function. Mr Jokshith D’souza, Student of VI semester (ME) and Master of Ceremony, formally welcomed the gathering. Dr Shreeranga Bhat, Associate Professor, Mechanical Department raised the toast where he spoke many aspects which will help students to excel in their life. In reply to the toast, Mr Aman Magwin D’Souza from VIII semester M1 section, Ms Nileema Blanch Pereira from VIII semester M2, section and Mr Akash Rai from VIII semester M4 section, evinced their experiences at SJEC during the past four years.

Next, mementos were distributed to students of M1 and M2 section students by Dr Shreeranga Bhat and Dr Binu KG, Associate Professors of Mechanical Department.

Dr Sudheer M, Dean - Student Welfare and HOD of the Mechanical Engineering Department addressed the gathering. He advised students to be grateful to all the faculties who taught them in their entire engineering studies. He also gave a presentation related to eight rules which must be incorporated in life to be a successful person. He advised the students to take up responsibilities to create a better environment in our society.

This was followed by distribution of mementos to students of M3 and M4 section by Mr. Rudolf Dsouza and Mr. Sushanth Gowda, Assistant Professors of Mechanical Engineering Department.

The President of the function Dr Raju K, delivered the presidential address, congratulated the students for completing their graduation, and wished them all the best for all their future endeavours.

After the presidential address, the office bearers and the association members of SAEINDIA SJEC Collegiate Club, ARC-SJEC, and Torque association received their certificates. The mementos to Turtle-3.0 were also presented during this occasion.

The chief guest for the day, Dr Joseph Gonsalvis, addressed the gathering where he expressed his experiences teaching the outgoing batch and advised students not to forget the teachers who taught them and also wished them good wishes.

In conclusion, Mr Pavana Kumara, Convener proposed the vote of thanks.

After the formal program the refreshments were served, and the informal program started at 3:45PM. Students of second and third year had organised various games and activities where all the outgoing students actively took part. The program ended at 5:00PM.