Farewell Program for 4th Year AIML Students

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The farewell program “Aloha Fiesta” was held on 21st May 2024 for the 4th year AIML students in the Kalam Auditorium, beginning at 2:00 PM. The event was a memorable occasion, marking the culmination of four years of hard work, friendships, and learning experiences for the graduating students.

The program commenced with a grand entry by the seniors, setting an enthusiastic tone for the afternoon. Following the seniors' entry, the 3rd year AIML students captivated the audience with an energetic dance performance.

A significant highlight of the program was a video presentation, thoughtfully compiled to reminisce the cherished memories of the seniors' journey throughout their engineering studies. This sentimental journey was followed by a heartfelt speech from Aveen Vas, a 4th year AIML student, who shared his experiences and reflections on the past four years, providing inspiration and a sense of nostalgia to his peers and juniors.

The seniors then gave a dance performance and kept us all entertaining. To keep the atmosphere lively, a series of games were organized, offering entertainment and fostering camaraderie among the attendees. Refreshments were served during the games.

The Head of Department, Dr. Shreenath Acharya, then took the stage to deliver an inspiring address. With a commanding presence and a deep passion for his field, he shared insights that resonated with both students and faculty alike. His words not only celebrated the achievements of the past year but also kindled a sense of excitement and ambition for the future.

The HOD's speech was followed by the awarding of prizes to the winners of the games, recognizing their participation and achievements. Cheers and applause filled the room as each recipient walked up to receive their awards. The atmosphere was electric, with a shared sense of pride and celebration among all attendees.

Each senior was presented with a token of remembrance and a photo frame, serving as lasting mementos of their time at the Institution. The room was filled with emotion as students received these heartfelt gifts, their faces lighting up with nostalgia and gratitude. 

The formal part of the event concluded with these presentations, and at 4:15 PM, the much-anticipated DJ session began. The students danced and celebrated together, creating joyous memories that would last a lifetime. The DJ session continued until 5:00 PM, wrapping up the farewell program on a high note.