Inauguration of Centre for Testing and Consultancy Services

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  • Inauguration of Centre for Testing and Consultancy Services

The Centre for Testing and Consultancy Services has been inaugurated on Friday 5th February 2021 under the Department of Civil Engineering by the Chief Guest Dr Venkata Ramana Akkaraju, Chairman, NMPT, Mangaluru.

The programme began with the invocation of almighty and welcoming everyone. Dr Yajnheswaran B, Head of Civil Engineering department welcomed and introduced the Chief guest to the audience.

The prestigious part of the programme was inaugurating the consultancy office and unboxing the brochure was done by the chief guest Dr Venkata Ramana Akkaraju, accompanying by Director, Assistant Director, Principal, HOD, Convener. 

The keynote address was given by the chief guest. He told how engineers are important to the world. What's their role and service to society. Through this Consultancy Centre how it is useful to students. Director, Fr Wilfred Prakash D'Souza honoured the chief guest with a beautiful memento.

Presidential address was given by the Director, Fr Wilfred Prakash D'Souza. The programme concluded by vote thanks by the Convener Ms Vani D. 

HOD's, Faculty, non-teaching staff, students of different departments witnessed for this inauguration. The programme was moderated by Ms Reena James Rodrigues.