EEE: Talk on “Signal Processing using LabVIEW“

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  • EEE: Talk on “Signal Processing using LabVIEW“


A Talk on "Signal Processing using LabVIEW"was organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with ISTE & IEEE- SJEC Student Chapter & PES for the 6th semester students. Mr Franco A Menezes, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, SJEC, Mangaluru was the resource person.

A brief introduction was given on the topics sensors and transducers. Participants were introduced to the signal processing tool LabVIEW. A brief introduction of the signal processing tool was given. Various sensors were introduced such as IR sensors, motion sensors and actuators such as LEDs, motors and servos which could be interfaced using LabVIEW.

The outcome of the training has enabled the 3rd year E & E students to gain the practical knowledge on using LabVIEW for data acquisition. The training session provided a great opportunity for people interested in signal processing and data acquisition to lea new skills.