EEE: Technical talk on Electrical Distribution Systems

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  • EEE: Technical talk on Electrical Distribution Systems


IEEE in association with EELS conducted a Beyond Syllabus activity for the course Transmission & Distribution for fourth Semester Students in E&E Seminar Hall. This activity was a guest lecture on the topic “Electrical Distribution System” delivered by Alumni of Batch 2016 Ms Prarthana Rao, Engineer at MESCOM –Kavoor, Mangalore. The lecture was delivered on 15th April 2019 from 11.15 am to 12.30 pm followed by a discussion session with students from 12.30 pm to 1.00 pm. The lecture aimed at providing recent knowledge on Distribution Systems It constituted the following content: Primary AC distribution systems – Radial feeders, parallel feeders, loop feeders and interconnected network system. Secondary AC distribution systems, Effect of disconnection of neutral in a 3-phase four-wire system, reliability, and quality of Distribution system. The students also exhibited their clay Models on Electrical Machines, Generation, Transmission & Distribution. The resource person judged the event and the prizes were distributed to the winners:

I Prize: Akash Bhat, Rajath, Vignesh,Dhanush Kumar

II Prize: Siddesh, Shreyas Sharma,Shrinidhi, Adarsh Kumar

Dr Sheryl Grace Colaco, Mr Franco Menezes and Mr Rolen Rodrigues coordinated the programme