Mr Thilak Gowda

Assistant Professor


Mr. Thilak Gowda is an Assistant professor in the Department of Business Administration at St. Joseph Engineering College (SJEC) Vamanjoor, Mangaluru. He is having 10 years of teaching experience. Holder of Master of Commerce (M.Com) from Mangalore University and Master of Business Administration(MBA) from Annamalai University Tamilnadu. He cleared Karnataka State Eligibilty Test(KSET) in the subject Commerce( 2016) and Management (2018). He is also cleared UGC- National Eligibilty Test in the subject Commerce(2018). As an academic professional, is involved in educational and administrative activities. 

Contact details:

Education Qualifications

Sl.No Qualification Level University Area of Specialization Year of completion Awards

Work Experience


Designation: Assistant Professor

Start Date: 01 August 2024



Organisation: University Evening College Mangalore.

Designation: Guest Faculty

Start Date: 16 December 2022

End Date: 12 July 2024


Organisation: Swasthika National Business School Mangalore.

Designation: Lecturer

Start Date: 21 August 2023

End Date: 19 June 2024


Organisation: Pompei College Aikala, Mangalore.

Designation: Assistant Professor

Start Date: 01 August 2014

End Date: 20 August 2023


Organisation: Meredian College Someshwar, Mangalore.

Designation: Lecturer

Start Date: 01 August 2013

End Date: 30 May 2014


Research Areas



Financial Management

Human Resource Management

Journal Publications


1."IMPACT OF ONLINE GAMES ON YOUTH- ASTUDY WITH REFERENCE TO COASTAL KARNATAKA.” in the UGC Care Listed Journal: Journal of Research and Development- Vol 15, Issue-16, August 2023 .( ISSN No : 2230-9578).

2.“A STUDY ON IMPACT OF DIGITAL LEARNING AMONG STUDENTS WITH REFERENCE DAKSHINA KANNADA DISTRICT ” in the UGC Care Listed Journal: Journal of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai- Vol 97, No 7 July 2023 .( ISSN No : 0972-0766).


 MICRO FINANCE THROUGH SELF HELP GROUPS: A STUDY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE RURAL AREARS OF MANGALURU TALUKin International Journal of Novel Research and Development(IJNRD)-  Volume 9 Issue-4 April- 2024.  ISSN No. 2456 – 4184.

     “EFFECTS OF UPI USAGE AMONG WORKING WOMEN-A STUDY WITH REFERENCE TO MANGALURU CITY ” in Shikhan Sanhodan, Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social sciences- Conference special issue June- 2023 ISSN No. 2581 – 6241.

 “ONLINE SHOPPING: A STUDY ON PERCEPTION OF YOUTH INCOASTAL KARNATAKA” in Sahyadri journal of management– Volume 3, Issue 2, December 2019, ISSN No. 2456 – 9151.

 “Awareness of Green Marketing and its Influence on buying behavior of Consumers -A Study with reference to Rural Mangaluru Taluk” in Journal of management studies and academic research – SDM college mangalore. Issue:4 2018-19 (ISSN-2455 4960).

“CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN RURAL AREAS OF INDIA” in UNIVERSITY NEWS- A weekly journal of higher education. Vol.55 No.20. May15-21, 2017. (ISSN-0566-2257).


Conference Proceedings

  1. A STUDY ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS ADOPTION OF MOBILE BANKING SERVICE WITH REFERENCE TO MANGALORE TALUK” in the national conference on reforms in banking, finance and insurance sectors: Issues and challenges organised by Vidyavardhaka first grade college, Mysore on 14th & 15th February 2020.The paper is published in the conference publication  (ISBN:978-81-940092-5-2).
  2.       “ GREEN BANKING : AWARENESS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF CONSUMERS- A STUDY WITH REFERNCE TO DAKSHINA KANNADA DISTRICT” in two day International conference on “ Global Management Myopia on 8th and 9th January 2018, organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce, St. Agnes College ( Autonomous), Managluru. The paper is published in the conference publication Pg 128   to 137 (ISBN: 978-93-84734-58-9).
  3.        “GOODS AND SERVICE TAX: THE CHANGING FACE OF INDIAN ECONOMY” in one day National conference on Pay India 2017- Emerging tax reforms and implications organized by department of commerce, University Evening college Mangaluru on 11th March, 2017. The paper is published in the conference publication Pg 120   to 123 (ISBN: 978-81-930542-4-6).

  4.         “AWARENESS OF BANK CUSTOMERS ON GREEN BANKING PRODUCTS- A STUDY WITH REFERENCE TO MANGALURU TALUK” in a three days International conference on Green banking: Perceptions & Challenges organized by department of commerce, University college Mangaluru on 1st, 2nd and 3rd February, 2017. The paper is published in the conference publication Pg  06 to 07 (ISBN:978-93-86256-39-3).

Workshop/FDPs Attended


1.“AI TOOLS FOR MODERN DAY RESEARCH” organized by department of business administration, Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management Mangalore on 21 June 2024.

2. “DERIVATIVES DECODED” organized by Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering in association with MUCTA (R.) on 3rd August, 2018.

3. “ UNIVERSAL HUMAN VALUES AND ETHICS IN TEACHING PROFESSION” organized by department of business administration, Sahyadri college of Engineering and Management Mangalore on 7th September, 2018.

4.“ THE MAKING OF A TEACHER AND THE ART OF TEACHING” organized by department of business administration, Sahyadri college of Engineering and Management Mangalore on 7th September, 2017.

5.“CASE DEVELOPING AND PUBLISHING” organized by the department of Business Administration- St Joseph Engineering College Vamanjoor, Mangaluru on 10th January 2017.

6. “SOURCING AND EXECUTION OF RESEARCH PROJECTS” organized by MSNM Besant Institute of PG studies Mangaluru on 25th November, 2016.

7.“ GOODS AND SERVICE TAX (GST)- A WAY AHEAD” organized by Commerce Association & Research Forum in association with Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce and Industry Bengaluru in University College Mangaluru on 24th September, 2016.

8.“ TEACHING PEDAGOGY FOR UNDERGRADUATE TEACHERS” organized by the department of Business Administration, Sahyadri college of Engineering and Management on 21st October, 2016.

9.“CBCS NEW SYLLABI OF M.COM AND M.COM (HRD) PROGAMMES” organized by the department of studies in commerce, Mangalore University, mangalagangotri on 29th August, 2016. 

10.Participated as delegate in Exporters Convention “ KARNTAKA : EXPORT VISION-2020” which was conducted by the organizing committee of exporters convention Mangalore and federation of Indian export organizations  ( southern region- set up by Ministry of Commerce, government of India) at TMA Pai convention centre Mangalore on 13th February, 2012.




Conferences attended

1.“EFFECTS OF UPI USAGE AMONG WORKING WOMEN-A STUDY WITH REFERENCE TO MANGALURU CITY ” in the national conference technological transformation in higher education : Percpectives and challenges organised by Vidyavardhaka first grade college, Mysore on 17th June 2023.The paper is published in the conference publication (ISSN).

2.  “MOBILE BANKING: A STUDY ON ADOPTION OF MOBILE BANKING SERVICE AMONG YOUTH WITH REFERENCE TO COASTAL KARNATAKA” in the national conference transforming India: Issues and challenges organised by the department of PG studies in Commerce and Research and Development Cell, Besent Evening College in Association with mangalore University Commerce teachers association on 15th February 2020.

3.“A STUDY ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS ADOPTION OF MOBILE BANKING SERVICE WITH REFERENCE TO MANGALORE TALUK” in the national conference on reforms in banking, finance and insurance sectors: Issues and challenges organised by Vidyavardhaka first grade college, Mysore on 14th & 15th February 2020.The paper is published in the conference publication (ISBN).


4. “ HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA: STUDY WITH REFERENCE TO RURAL INDIA” in the national conference on challenges on higher education- teachers initiative held in Shri Darmasthala Manjunatheshwara college of LAW, Mangalore on 11th January 2020.

5.“FINANCING OF AGRICULTURE BY CO-OPERATIVES WITH SPECIAL REFERECE TO RURAL DAKSHINA KANNADA” in the national conference on rural opportunity: an unexplored terrain held in Shri Darmasthala Manjunatheshwara Post Graduate Centre for Management Studies and research, Mangalore on 24th February 2018.

6. “ AWARENESS OF GREEN MARKETING AND ITS INFLUENCE ON BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF CONSUMER- A STUDY WITH REFERENCE TO RURAL MANGALURU TALUK” in the national conference on Rural opportunity : an unexplored terrain held in Shri Darmasthala Manjunatheshwara Post Graduate Centre for Management Studies and research, Mangalore on 24th February 2018.

7.“ E-CONSUMERISM: A STUDY OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR ON E SHOPPING WITH REFERENCE TO COASTAL DAKSHINA KANNADA DISTRICT ” in two days national conference on consumer protection- issues and challenges held in St. Aloysius college  ( Autonomous ) Mangalore on 16th and 17th February 2018.

8.“DIGITAL BANKING AND IMPACT OF DEMONETISATION OF DIGITAL BANKING” in one day National conference on Envision India- Emerging issues and challenges organized by IQAC- Government First Grade college, Kavoor, Mangaluru on 7th April 2017.

9. “GOODS AND SERVICE TAX: THE CHANGING FACE OF INDIAN ECONOMY” in one day National conference on Pay India 2017- Emerging tax reforms and implications organized by department of commerce, University Evening college Mangaluru on 11th March, 2017. The paper is published in the conference publication  (ISBN).

10. “IMPACT OF DEMONETISATION ON GREEN BANKING- A STUDY WITH REFERENCE TO KINNIGOLI CITY OF MANGALURU TALUK” in two days UGC sponsored National conference on Digital India: Prospering India organized by Canara College, Mangaluru on 2nd and 3rd march, 2017.

11. Participated one day State Level Seminar on “GST- A PARADIGM SHIFT IN TAXATION LAWS” organized by Poornaprajna College Udupi on 3rd January, 2017.

12. Participated one day UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “INTERPERSONAL SKILLS AND HEALTH: A STRATEGY FOR ENHANCING ADMINISTRATIVE EFFECIENCY” organized by Pompei college Aikala on 09th December, 2016.

13. “ CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, IT & ITS IMPACT ON MANAGEMENT, SOCIAL SCIENCES AND EDUCATION” organized by Shrinivas Institute of management Pandeshwara, Mangaluru on 26th November, 2016.



1.“A STUDY ON IMPACT OF DIGITAL LEARNING AMONG STUDENTS WITH REFERENCE DAKSHINA KANNADA DISTRICT ” in the International conference organised by Department of Commerce & Business Administration (UG) Field Marshal K.M. Cariappa College Madikeri, Kodagu on 16th June 2023.The paper is published in the UGC Care Listed Journal (ISSN).

2.“ DEVELOPMENT AND PRACTICE OF HUMAN RESOURCE ACCOUNTING IN INDIA” in International conference on “innovation and digitalisation- strategies for global collaboration on 20th January 2020 organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce, St. Agnes College ( Autonomous), Managluru.

3.“ GREEN BANKING : AWARENESS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF CONSUMERS- A STUDY WITH REFERNCE TO DAKSHINA KANNADA DISTRICT” in two day International conference on “ Global Management Myopia on 8th and 9th January 2018, organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce, St. Agnes College ( Autonomous), Managluru.

4.“AWARENESS OF BANK CUSTOMERS ON GREEN BANKING PRODUCTS- A STUDY WITH REFERENCE TO MANGALURU TALUK” in a three days International conference on Green banking: Perceptions & Challenges organized by department of commerce, University college Mangaluru on 1st, 2nd and 3rd February, 2017. The paper is published in the conference publication  (ISBN).

5. “GREEN BANKING: A STUDY OF SELECTED PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS IN INDIA” in three days International conference on Green banking: Perceptions & Challenges organized by department of commerce, University college Mangaluru on 1st, 2nd and 3rd February, 2017.


Contact Information

Mr Thilak Gowda

Assistant Professor
