Report of the talk on, 'Mental Health and Focus on Students'


The talk was held by Jagruthi- Prevention of sexual assault committee in the area of "Mental Health and Focus on Students' on August 10th by Dr Anil Kakunje Professor and Head of Psychiatry Department Yenepoya University. The talk mainly focused on how students need to cope with stress and maintain a good mental health.

The programme started with the blessings of the God and Master of Ceremony Ms. Harshini, first year MBA student, welcomed and introduced guests to the gathering. Ms Aleyamma George, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, the program coordinator welcomed the Guest florally.

The resource person started with an interactive session and gave an introduction to the importance of mental health. He spoke about how sometimes the students in spite of having some mental issues will not approach the psychiatrists due to the taboo the society attaches with mental sickness. He spoke about the ways to cope with stress and stay happily in life. The session was very informative and motivating which caught the attention of students from MBA, MCA, First and Second year BE. Overall the talk was very useful and feedback was received from the participants where they mentioned that the talk was informative.

Lastly, the discussion was followed by a brief Question and Answers session. Dr Anjali Ganesh, Professor, Department of MBA presented the Memento as a token of respect and honor. Around 200 students were present for the session. Ms. Aleyamma George, Assistant Professor from Department of Mathematics and Dr Anjali Ganesh, Professor, Department of MBA, Coordinators of Jagruthi Committee concluded the program with Vote of Thanks.