Talk on ‘Healthy Eating Habits and Personal Hygiene’ organized by SWG, SJEC


The Student Welfare Group (SWG), SJEC organized a talk on the topic 'Healthy Eating Habits and Personal Hygiene' on 01 st February 2022 in the Kalam Auditorium from 6pm-7pm for the students of the girls hostel. The Resource Person for the talk was Ms. Sanjana Shenoy, HOD-Dept. of Food, Nutrition & Dietetics and Food Technology, Sri Devi College of Hotel Management, Mangaluru. Dr. Shakila B, Chairperson-SWG, SJEC introduced the guest and welcomed the audience.

Ms Sanjana Shenoy spoke about the importance of good eating habits, the importance of each meal, especially that of a good wholesome breakfast for students that resulted in good concentration and less fatigue during the day. Ms. Shenoy stressed on the ill-effects of the various junk foods available easily in the market which ultimately cause several health issues in women, like PCOD, Hypo/Hyperthyroidism, hormonal issues, sleep deprivation, depleting bone health, etc. in the long run. The speaker highlighted some of the good replacements for snacks so that the young girls could develop healthier eating habits

Personal hygiene related matters were addressed and the students were well informed on several good habits to adopt for their overall good health. Students clarified some of the myths regarding personal hygiene as well as the various fast food related matters that were well addressed by the speaker.  The programme concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Preetha Aroza, Campus Counsellor. Rev Fr Alwyn D'Souza, Asst Director, SJEC and Sr. Ezilda, Warden-Girls Hostel were present on the occasion.