ECE: Talk on ‘Investment Avenues for Young Adults

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The Student Welfare Group (SWG-Group) of St Joseph Engineering College in association with PRODIGI- Student's Association of ECE Department organized a talk ' Investment Avenues for Young Adults' on 4 th May 2022 in Fr Fred Memorial of AB-III for final year students of EC and EE department. The resource person of the talk was Dr Shakila B Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, SJEC.


The event started with the silent prayer. Ms. Sharol of 3 rd year ECE B hosted the event. After welcoming the speaker, the class advisors and the students present at the event, there was introduction of the speaker, Dr. Shakila B to the audience. Then the session was handed over to the speaker.


Dr Shakila B began her session by highlighting the importance of early investments for young investors who will be joining the corporates very soon. She said starting to save in early 20s, no matter how small, would leave the young investors with a wider investment horizon. She also discussed the different avenues of investments with examples. Various tips for managing personal finance were shared by the resource person. The session started by naming the different avenues of investment that the students knew.  This was followed by the speaker explaining in detail the different avenues of investments and their comparison. Further the speaker discussed about the things to be known before investing, factors considered while investing and the important financial tips for the youth. The talk was very informative and caught the attention of the audience.

Finally, the discussion ended by a brief Q&A session and the feedback was collected from the students regarding the session. The topics were presented in a simple and understandable manner and were very much relevant to the current competitive society. Overall, it was a very useful session to the final year students, as they are going to begin their work life and start eaing in few months. Very good feedback was received from the audience.